Chapter SIX

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So off they went. They were ready for battle.

They were waiting outside the military. A few minutes later, astronaut untied himself. He ran outside with a knife. 

"ALIEN LOOK BEHIND YOU!" Diabolical yelled. 

Astronaut was about to stab alien. Before he did, a fully charged spirit bomb came from the sky, landing on astronaut. Astronaut was on low health, and before he ran away, he saw Sus and Classic. Sus stabbed astronaut to do the final hit. 

Diabolical looked at the north west corner and it's horizon. As soon as he did, he saw Baldpharaoh charging a spirit bomb. 

"Attack!" Baldpharaoh yelled. 

Diabolical saw a fast comet coming towards him. He dodged it, but still got caught in the blast radius. SuperComet barged out of the crater, and bombarded diabolical with dorime. 

"AAAAHHH! WHAT THE HELL?" Diabolical yelled. 

Diabolical took out his cross and fought back. They were having a cross wrestle. SuperComet managed to distract their leader! Baldpharaoh fought the rest. 

"HAHAHA, now your leader is distracted!" 

 "We still have a source of power." Skeleton said. "We got MONSTERS!! And TANKS!!" 

"And UFOs!" Alien added. 

Cartoon cat ran towards Baldpharaoh, and reached for him. Baldpharaoh fired the spirit bomb at cartoon cat. He looked like he was dead. Soon, a demonic hole appeared under him, and fixed him. Cartoon cat had a large, menacing, unsettling smile on his face. 

Siren head let out a bomb of sound, so loud that it could actually damage someone. Skeleton shot using his tank. Baldpharaoh was extremely powerful. Cartoon cat jumped at Baldpharaoh, and smashed him. But Baldpharaoh regenerated health. Baldpharaoh struck them with lightning. 

Diabolical managed to get out of SuperComet's wrath. He pulled out a rocket launcher, and tried to shoot Baldpharaoh.

"DIE!" diabolical yelled. 

Classic fought Baldpharaoh with a spirit bomb. Skeleton was firing at SuperComet using the tank. SuperComet flew and crashed into the tank. They both came out of the mess and fought each other. Skeleton had grenades, a 6 shot revolver, and a cannon from the tank. SuperComet had a sword and a hammer. 

Diabolical did what he was known for, causing catastrophies. 

He decided to start a zombie apocalypse. 

Off he went to the sky, summoning zombies. Zombie himself helped the other zombies. 

Skeleton punched SuperComet and shot him numerous times in his wide rectangular face. SuperComet attacked skeleton with a hammer, but got interrupted by barging zombies. SuperComet defeated most of them, but seeks a safe area for his low health. 

Unfortunately, skeleton finished him off by throwing a grenade to the area he was. SuperComet was down. 

He decided to cheat by taking another respawn. 

"HEY! That's not fair!" Skeleton yelled. 

"It is. Your army has more." Said SuperComet. "To make it fair, you let us get respawns!" 

"Dang" skeleton said.

He reloaded his gun with fresh brand new and high caliber ammo. He also had a sten gun, something good for airel targets. He shot baldpharaoh.

 Baldpharaoh got hit by a few, but that was barely enough. The battle was so chaotic! SuperComet came back to diabolical, but diabolical kept dodging him, spreading zombies everywhere. 

SuperComet chose a different target. He aimed for siren head. He crashed into him and bombarded him with dorime. Siren head hit him until to low health, which made him go after cartoon cat. 

Cartoon cat kept kept healing, and scratched SuperComet. SuperComet went after alien and zombie. SuperComet crashed into alien, and sliced zombie. 

"BUT YOU CANNOT FIGHT THE TROLL!" Troll yelled, smashing the ground. 

He ran towards SuperComet, but SuperComet held his sword and Troll ran into the sword. Troll pulled the sword out of his chest, and crushed it. He punched SuperComet with incredible force. SuperComet stood back up and took out his hammer. He bonked troll with the hammer. 

Before troll got knocked out, he cracked his neck, then his knuckles, giving him more energy. SuperComet flew and crashed into troll, and troll got bombarded with dorime. 

Baldpharaoh had enough!  He summoned his goon. A metal crate fell from the sky, and it had a metal garage door. It opened real slow, making an unsettling noise of metallic friction. 

Out came Baldpharaoh's goon, rude one. As soon as he came out, diabolical was shocked. Rude one was on a motorcycle, and he had a rocket launcher. He hopped around the war, destroying all the vehicles. 

But, snipertime despises rude ones! 

Snipertime pulled out his sniper...

 A few minutes later, a long bolt of lightning struck rude one, and defeated him. It was so far! From the north area, all the way to the south west area! 

Diabolical knew it was snipertime. Diabolical was so satisfied. He wanted to increase his satisfaction by starting a global meteor shower. And the chaos began to be extreme! 

Diabolical managed to land a meteor on Baldpharaoh. 

"Ow!" Baldpharaoh yelled. 

Cartoon cat, siren head, huggy wuggy, and skeleton were after SuperComet. Classic fought Baldpharaoh. Sus was chasing crewmate and astronaut. 

"STOP RESPAWNING! I'VE MURDERED YOU A THOUSAND TIMES!" Sus exclaimed. SuperComet flew again and crashed into them, and the global meteor shower was still in bound. The server was getting laggy. 

"BazookaTime, my bro, light them up." Said snipertime. 

BazookaTime went off in the middle of the war, skeleton only knew what he's gonna do.

"Oh no... It's BazookaTime.." Skeleton claimed, like the world will end. 

And yes, the world will end shortly. 


Diabolical and skeleton went to the other side of the map.. 

"How do you know this guy?!" Diabolical asked. 

"He's my brother." Answered skeleton. 

"I thought he was snipertime's brother." Diabolical replied. 

"Diabolical, I came from the sniper line." Said skeleton.

They both heard a loud boom a few miles away before skeleton could explain...

All they could do, is watch their friends and enemies burn as the blast radius got bigger...


It got them too...

And the server shut down...

That's all folks.

The Battle of the AwesomemoonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora