"Ah, yes. It sounds like Drake hasn't changed at all. I gave up all my titles when I abdicated."

"Abdicated?! That must mean, you're..."

Maxwell interjects, "Leo's the former Crown Prince of Cordonia and half-brother to our beloved Prince Liam."

"I'm surprised you didn't lead with that..."

"It's better if people don't know. I want others to care about my former title as much as I did, which is not at all. Besides, Leo's a perfectly good title. It suits me."

"So... why did you come back?

"I may have not liked my title, but I love my brother. I'm here for him. My father thought my presence would reinforce my support for Liam taking the crown. And, I couldn't let him get engaged without me."

Just then, Madeleine walks up and joins the circle, "Leo... darling. How fortunate you found the time to join us."

"Madeleine... you know I wouldn't miss my brother's Coronation."

"I'm glad there remain a few sentiments that'll make you return to court. Your brother will be elated to know you're watching him choose Cordonia's future queen."

"I heard you're one of the potential brides again."

"Cordonia has lovingly granted me another chance to be her queen."

Maxwell elbows Riley and whispers... "Hey! This could be your chance to see if Madeleine got a note. I mean, she might not tell you, but you could ask?"

"Hey Madeleine, have you received any correspondence tonight?"

"Correspondence? No. I've had quite enough on my hands with the ball tonight. I'm afraid I haven't had time for any letter tonight. Now, it was a pleasure seeing you three, but you'll have to excuse me."

"Of course." Leo bows towards her.

"Take care." Madeleine makes her way past Leo and rejoins the crowd.

"What was that all about?"

"It's nothing." Maxwell pats him on the shoulder as Riley tries and remains composed, "Just trying to get to the bottom of a mystery."

"This court never lacked for mysteries."

"It seemed like there weren't any hard feelings between you and Madeleine."

"Trust Madeleine to handle everything gracefully, even running into her former fiance."

Riley starts to get a headache and returns to their conversation, "So, Leo, what's your relationship like with Liam?"

"Oh, exactly what you might expect. Liam was always the golden child and I'm the roguish misfit brother."

"Was that hard on you?"

"Nah. I've always known where I stand. If anything, I've always wanted to make sure that Liam remembers to take care of himself and not just Cordonia. He can be a little too selfless, sometimes."

"Yeah, he's never really let loose at a party before." Maxwell hangs an arm around Leo and he chuckles.

"From what I've heard, Lady Riley's been good for him in that regard."

"Liam never lets things go too far." She unconsciously touches her lips and laughs and the thought of the spa night.

"It's true. The difference between me and him is that he comes back for his morning duties. Try ditching your security detail and disappearing from court for weeks at a time."

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