Home (Side chapter)

Start from the beginning



Annd no words came out. Let me try again *sucks in deeply*

" Why are you doing all this?" I ask, immedeately regreting my decision when my mother, immediately hold my hands, kneels at my feet and starts crying.


What did I do?? I've never seen her like this. I do not know how to comfort a crying person. What i did for my younger siblings was stuff a pacifier in their mouth and they shut up. Does she want a pacifier too??

" I... I'm sorry" I say

" No, I am" She looks up at me and collects herself

" Call Ichi" She requests, so I did

For all I know, Ichi is also uncomfortable and is equally as suspicious about the sudden affection being shown. We've made several theories about this. It all ends up into weird monsters and stuff.

We go to my shared room with Ichi


" It was an honest dream" My mother started.

Me and my brother listen intently.

" When your father and i met in highschool, we shared a dream to have a peaceful family and raise them into heroes like us, we would retire happily, watching our family grow up as we grow old" she explained

" But your father's obsession with power went a little overboard when we had the both of you because none of your elder siblings never found any interests in heroes"  she continued

" He wanted you two to grow up as heroes, which is why he sealed you both from your siblings as he thought they were a bad influence. He focused on training both of you to plant a seed of wanting to be a hero. He feared that if you were too weak, then you might loose motivation to become a hero. I grew obsessed with your younger siblings because I didn't want them to go down the same path you did" She said

" The day your uncle and auntie, my brother and sister-in-law had died, I lost all conposure and attacked both of you because I thought that everything was your fault. My mind made me think that it was your fault" She continued

On that day, my mother was furious, a wild look in her eyes. She tried to harm me, but Ichi protected me. Angry at the interference, she shot a blast of ice at both of us. The blast hitting my right eye, and hitting Ichi's left eye. The ice grew and spread a little. It was so cold that in burnt. Which explains the burn marks on my face. We tried to pry the ice off but it only stuck on more.

By the time my mother came to her senses, it was too late when she retracted the ice. Our skins were burnt for life, according to the doctor. It healed a little but the colour is still there.

So if me and Ichi were to put our faces next to each other, our scars actually connect, like a puzzle piece. I discovered such a fun thing in such a horrible disaster.

My mother turns to me

" I wanted you to get married because I wanted you to have a future, some hope. A life-long partner and you wouldn't feel lonely" She explained

Oh. What about my brother? Nevermind, I always knew I was the favourite.

" As for the recent affection, I thought better sooner than never. Your father doesn't want me to show much affection, thinking that it might make you weak. I only realized my mistake of allowing the training recently" She says

" As for that, I'm sorry. I failed to be a mother. I really do hope you forgive me" She pleads

My whole life.. Has been a lie? To me, my mother was a ruthless and selfish woman. And my father was an unreasonable and harsh man. But to say that my mother made a mistake and regrets it now?? Unbelievable.

I look at Ichi. He's spacing out, probably thinking.

" We can't forgive you yet..." I start and I see tears well up in her eyes

" But, we'll happily receive any affection that comes our way" Ichi continues

She smiles brightly and thanks us

Ichi gets out of the room, still processing the information and my mother hurries next to me.

" So. How are things with that boy, Shoto?" She asks and I immediately look away, hoping she didn't see my red face.

" Uh well Uhm.." How will I tell her?

" It's fine I guess?" I say as my voice goes higher, avoiding her eyes.

She doesn't look convinced.. Oh no..


𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖈𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖌𝖊 (Shoto x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now