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Maria hadn't really found her place at Goldwash. She was liked by almost everyone, but she hadn't really found her group at the school yet. She walked to her classes alone and ate lunch in the library. The library was the one place she could escape her boredom. Maria would always be there during her free time. It was the only thing that helped remind her of home.

Maria was sitting in her room reading when she heard a knock on the door.

"Maria Merryweather!" Ms. Pollings called.

Maria rushed to the door to see Ms. Pollings pushing a trolley full of letters and packages. She was the housekeeper of the establishment. Ms. Pollings short and stout woman and very aggressive, however she was also very kind.

"Yes Ms. Polling?" Maria asked.
"You've got a letter from a Benjamin Merryweather and Loveday DeNoir," the older woman said as she handed the beige envelope to the teenager.
"Thank you Ms. Pollings!" Maria said eyes wide and her heart full.

Ms. Polling walked away and Maria closed the door and ran to her desk to open the letter. She tore the wax seal off and pulled the letter from the envelope.

Dear Maria,
    We are pleased to tell you that on November 12th Lovejoy DeNoir and Benjamin Merryweather are to be wed. We hope you are able to attend!
    Maria! I cannot wait to see you! After many letters back and forth between Benjamin and the headmaster of Goldwash I am so excited to tell you that you are able to come to Moonacre a week early! We tried to see if you could come earlier, but the headmaster was very persistent.
    We were finally able to convince him to let you come home earlier when we told him that you are my maid of honor. That's right! You're my maid of honor!
    We cannot wait to see you!
        LoveDay DeNoir and       (P.S. this is truly
     Benjamin Merryweather   from Loveday)

Maria could not have been more ecstatic. She could not wait for the wedding.

She stayed up late imagining Loveday and Benjamin's wedding, and even her own.
One Month Later
Maria sat in her carriage smiling the whole way to her home. She stared at the seemingly infinite waves of hills. She laughed at every bump in the road. When the stopped in front of the gate Maria couldn't help but smirk as she remember when she was almost kidnapped by Robin and she scarred him with her needle. As she rode closer and closer to the beautiful manor, she got farther and farther from the back of her seat.

Once the carriage stopped she didn't, couldn't wait for the door to open. Instead she kicked it open and hoped out, by herself.

"Maria!" Loveday called as she ran to the young girl. The two sprinted at each other and met in the middle with a hug.

"I missed you so much!" Maria said into Loveday's shoulder.
"Not nearly as much as I missed you," the older woman said caressing Maria's hair.

"Maria, you're here!" Another voice chimed in. "Uncle!" Maria ran to her uncle and gave him a hug just as big as Loveday's.

"Don't forget about us!" Maria turned to see Ms. Heliotrope Marmaduke and Digweed standing next to each other all in a row.

She embraced all of them and they all walked into the mansion. Ms. Heliotrope took Maria's bags to her room and the rest walked her to the dining room to get her something to eat.
One Week Later (the day of the wedding)
"Are you ready Maria?" Loveday asked ready to show off her wedding dress.

"I've been ready, Loveday!" Maria groaned in anticipation.

Loveday walked out in a floor length gown the same color of snow. It had mesh sleeves that got looser as the went down we arm. The dress was not very puffy but had a decent amount of layers to make it fluffy. Despite the fact that the dress was as white as a fluffy cloud on a summer afternoon, it still sparkles like the stars.

Maria was speechless. The gown was beautiful.  She could even feel herself tear up.

"It's incredible," Maria said. There weren't the right amount of word to describe how Loveday looked.

Loveday looked in the mirror with a gasp and covered her face with her hand.

"It's- perfect," She stuttered.

She looked over at Maria with a smirk.

"You're turn!"

The day of the wedding would be the first time she'd try on her dress. It be the first time she'd seen the dress. It was dark green color. It was made of velvet and was very similar to the first Moon Princess's dress. She slipped on the dress and walked out from behind the curtain.

Loveday seemed even more amazed with how Maria looked than herself.

"You are beautiful," she said.

Maria looked in the mirror and smiled at her reflection. She absolutely adored the dress.

"Are you two ready?" Ms. Heliotrope asked from behind the door.
Benjamin and Marmaduke stood at the alter.

"I am so happy you offered to have me officiate your wedding Sir," Marmaduke said leaning over his podium.

"Well it was either you or Digweed," Benjamin joked.

Meanwhile Robin and Maria stood behind a wall waiting to walk out together.

Benjamin had chosen Robin to be his best man in order to become closer to his parter's brother.

"So how's school?" Robin asked.

"Boring, lonely," Maria said.

"You're telling me a Moon Princess isn't popular with her fellow classmates?" Robin said half-sarcastically.

"I just haven't found my people yet," Maria explain. "And if I told them I was a Moon Princess who saved Moonacre from eternal darkness, they would think I was crazy."

The two talked for a few more minutes before the music stared playing.

Maria took Robin's arm and the two walked down the isle and then stood in their respective places. Then Loveday walked down the isle. As every one stood up Maria noticed how in a room full of people watching her, Loveday was looking at Benjamin.

Their ceremony was beautiful. Almost everyone in the room was crying even Robin and Maria wiped a couple tears from their eyes.

The reception was also very wonderful. Maria spent most of the the time chatting with other guests about her schooling in London and when she wasn't she was eating or watching other people dance to the lovely music.

"May I have this dance?"

Maria jumped at the voice, but when she turned she sighed at the sight of Robin.

"Didn't mean to scare you princess," he said extending his hand.

Maria accepted his invitation and the two walked onto the dance floor. Robin put his hands on Maria's waist, and Maria put her hands on Robin's shoulders. As the two danced they got closer and closer together until they were pressed up against on another. They didn't say a thing to one another. Just looked into each others eyes.

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