(1) Accident

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It just happened one day.

One day, Lunar was helping Sun play with the kids. Everything was fine, and normal! Well, it was supposed to be normal. Lunar had strayed away from the group of kids and Sun, going over to grab a toy that a kid had thrown.

Something happened during this since though, cause when Lunar walked back the scelara in his eyes were pitch black, covering his normally bright blue scelara with a depressing black. Yet his pupils were blue, seemingly stealing the color of his scelara and was formed in the shape of a flower.

He waltzed back over to the group in the daycare. As Moon and Eclipse sat in Moon's room, they were having a small argument over a small topic. But, a scream ran throughout the daycare, as Sun watched Lunar grab a kid by their arm.

You can guess what happened next, as everyone was evacuated out the daycare by Moon while Eclipse and Sun tried to pry Lunar off the child, and he had broken said child's arm.

As Lunar finally seemed out of his daze of rage, he stared directly at Eclipse and suddenly let go of the child. Sun picked up the child and called for an ambulance through his internal coding and the child's parents.

Lunar just slowly moved his hand toward Eclipse, seeming in yet another daze, not of rage this time though. Before their hand could make contact with Eclipse, Moon walked over and ripped a wire that was on the back of Lunar's head. Lunar powered off. Eclipse caught Lunar before he could hit the ground as he stared up at Moon,"..What just happened?"

After that, they all sat in Sun's room, awkwardly staring at eachother, well, excluding Lunar. Since Lunar was currently locked in his room, a magic barrier by his door just incase he broke the door.

Sun stared at the others and decided to break the silence,"So, what is.. what's wrong with Lunar?" Eclipse looked up at Sun and just simply shrugged. Moon just scoffed,"Well, something screwed up his code if you could tell from his eyes, he has a virus in him." Moon said, and Sun just blinked in response for a second. "Wait wait, another virus? Are you kidding me?! W-we can't deal with another virus Moon!" Sun's hands seemed to scramble about as he stood up staring at Moon, clearly panicked.

"Sun, you need to calm down." Eclipse spoke as he stared at Sun with a blank expression. But Sun immediately retorted,"Calm down? How do I calm down Eclipse?! Lunar has to deal with a virus in him and- and-" Sun lightly tapped on his arms with his hands, then Moon sat up and placed a hand on Sun's shoulder.

"Sun, it's gonna be alright, we'll find a way to fix him and get the virus out." Moon said, giving Sun an odd smile in a poor attempt to comfort Sun, but Sun didn't mind the poor attempt as he inhaled.

"Alright, but how long will it exactly take for him to be fixed and not... arm breaky?" Sun asked, seeming less panicked.

"Well I haven't exactly figured that out yet, maybe a month at most hopefully. I should probably go check up on Lunar and check that out though" Moon said as he took his hand off Sun's shoulder, "Alright" Both Sun and Eclipse said in sync.

"But keep both of us updated in what you find out, cause I'm gonna go charge now- I just wanna rest for a bit.." Sun said pointing at his charging port, Moon and Eclipse just nodded as Sun walked to his charging port and turned off, plugged and on his bed. Moon seemed to grumble as he exited the room, Eclipse walking out behind him, muttering something.


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