Chapter 1: I. Really.Hate. School.

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"BEE!!! CMON WAKE UPPP!" Cries Yakko from outside the door, pacing back and forth. 

"BEEEE! BEATRICE?" He yells again. 

"Ugh it's no use. I'm coming in bee, you better be awake!" He yells now opening the door. Bee lays with he face underneath her pillow, groaning. "Noooooo" pulling her blanket overtop of her. "Bee!" Yakko says with a laugh. "It's time for school!" He says pulling the blanket off her head and nudging her to get up. "Nooo!" She says getting up, her hair a huge mess, crossing her arms. 

"Bee, you know you have to go." Yakko says ruffling her hair around more, making it messier then before. She blows a piece of hair away from her face. "But I have no friends!" Bee exclaims, falling back down ontop of her pillow with a sigh. "Hun. You'll make friends eventually. Just talk to them!"  Yakko responds, pulling her arm causing her to rise up back into a sitting position. She sighs and says "I guess so. But they all think I'm weird." She says looking down, fidgeting with her hands.

"So? So am I!" Yakko says laughing and tickling her. She laughs and then looks at him with a frown. "Hey cheer up.... We can get ice cream after?" He said as he gives her a nudge with his fist. "Alright!" Beatrice says perking up again. "That's my girl, now I made you pancakes.... Your favourite!" He says walking towards the door. "You coming?" He asks. 

"Ok!" She says running after him. Maybe it wouldn't be as hard as she thought. Maybe today would be better. Different even.

She sits next to Dot and Wakko who are both eating pancakes. Wakko shoveling them down while dot on the other hand eats them like she's in a 5 star restaurant and dinning with the queen. Bee sits between the two of them and Yakko slides a plate across the table of a stack of 3 small pancakes. "There you go sis, eat up!" He says smiling and then patting her on the head as he passes by her on the way to go get ready to take her to school. 

She eats slowly as Wakko finishes his stack of 20 some pancakes. He looks over at Bee, struggling to eat her last pancake. "Hey need help finishing it off?" He asks then letting out a large belch. "Yes please." She says pushing the plate towards him.

He scarfs it town in the matter of seconds and gets up from the table. "Bee! Don't egg him on." Said Yakko crossing his arms. "What? I wasn't hungry." She replied with a laugh. "Ugh. Wakko you're disgusting. Why can't you just eat like a gentle man?" Asked Dot shaking her head in disgust. Wakko let's out another belch. "Woah bee we've gotta get going!" Exclaimed Yakko looking at the time. "Ok.." she said walking to her room and then looking back to confirm.

Yakko shakes his head "yes" and she closes the door behind her. "What's up with her today?" Asked Wakko. "She's just upset. She hasn't been able to make a friend yet." Said Yakko. "Aww poor thing. Hopefully she does better today." Replied dot, hopping down from the table. 


Bees POV: 

Even though I didn't want to... Yakko wanted me go to school.... So, I got dressed into my same old stupid school uniform and dot brushed out my matted hair. "It's such a matted tatted mess!" She exclaimed pulling my hair. "Ow!" I yelp. "Shut your yapper!" She yells back at me. Then I get my school bag and books and give Wakko and Dot  a hug. Then Yakko let's me go out first. After making sure nobody's around or looking I dart across the lot and behind a bush. 

Yakko sticks his head out of the Water tower and I give him a thumbs up. He darts across the lot too, hoping and praying no one notices him. "Alright let's go!" He says as we start walking down the sidewalk. It's a little hard to live life without getting caught by the WB ceo or the guards.... We have to run and sneak around just to go to the store... or school... or anywhere. Sometimes I worry they'll take me away from my sibs. But Yakko tells me not to stress or to worry. I love him, he's the best bro I could ever ask for. 

We finally get to school and I sigh preparing myself. "Alright. Give Yakko a hug!" Yakko says opening his arms up. I hug him and he gives me a kiss on the head. All around me kids and teachers watch us very closely. Staring. Staring right into my eyes as I look over at them. I try to ignore them but sometimes it's just too hard. "Have a great day bud!" He says patting me on the back. I wave him goodbye and head into school. I can hear a few kids whispering but that doesn't bother me. I've learnt to just ignore them. But I always day after day get asked:

"Hey is that your brother!"

"Did they kidnap you?"

"Are you a toon too?"

"Where do you live?" 

"Do they sing more then they speak?"

And a lot other questions. Even teachers ask me thousands of questions a day. Especially "if you need help you can tell us." Like sorry no I'm fine, they feed me, they house me....they take care of me. I'm fine. People can't just understand that I'm a normal kid even if my siblings are... different. 

As I head into the school I hear many more whispers happening, but again I just ignore them. They don't know me. I head into my classroom, and my sweet teacher Mrs bee (yes she has my name as her last name!)  welcomes me into her class. "Hi my little fellow bee!" She greets me with a laugh as I walk into class. Again many whispers happen around me, but the teacher stops them just as the bell rings. "Alright class..."



The school day ends and Bee patiently waits outside for her big bro to come pick her up. Suddenly she sees him coming down the sidewalk. "YAKKO!" She shouts causing many children to turn their heads and watch as she ran into her big brothers arms. "Aww how's my little sweetie pie doing?" He asks giving her a tight hug. "Good. But I didn't have the best da-" bee was caught off by a lady speed walking yelling "HEY!" To them. "Me?" Asks Yakko confused as to what this lady's problem was.

"YEAH YOU! What the heck do you think you're doing!" She says crossing her arms and tapping her foot, waiting for a response. "Uhh... picking up my Sister?" He says crossing his arms as well now. "Pfft. Yeah right!" She says now uncrossing her arms. "I bet she isn't even legally your child. I bet you're kidnapping her!" She snaps back. "No... this is my brother." Said Bee holding his hand tighter.

"Honey.... If you need help just say so." Said the lady, smiling down at her. "No I'm fine." Bee replies staying close to her brother. "Aww darling you can tell me. You don't need to lie, you're in a safe space." Says the lady crouching down to her height. "As she just said. She's fine." Yakko replies now fed up with this stupid lady. "Don't answer my questions. I was asking her. Not you....HER." She says crossing her arms again.

Now Bee was really mad. She had HAD IT. She was tired of it. Tired of everyone assuming she was being abused, of being called a loon, and people saying terrible things about her siblings. She had HAD IT! 

"WHY DONT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS!" She yells back at the lady. "THIS IS MY BROTHER?!! HES ALSO LIKE MY FATHER! HE TAKES CARE OF ME, FEEDS ME, AND TUCKS ME INTO BED AT NIGHT!" She then crosses her arms and says: "oh and one more thing. Just because I don't look like my brother, and just because he's a toon does not mean he's not my brother. You don't know me! And- " she was stopped by the lady, who was now in a fury. 

"Teach your child to take a chill pill." She says turning around and speed walking off. "Thanks for the advice Karen!" Yakko yells back and then takes Bee by the arm and pulls her away. Still on fire bee starts to complain to yakko all the way home. "And-" "Woah slow down kid! And I thought I was the one who yakked." Interrupts Yakko. "Cmon let's get you an ice cream!" He said holding her hand as they crossed the road to the ice cream place. 

They sit down inside the place after they get their ice cream, and eat it together. Talking about their day. Yakko got Neapolitan, and Beatrice got bubble gum (the best kind)  

Even though things may get tough, They will always have ice cream. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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