"Why are you disobeying Rose?" She whispered, her face was inches away from mine.

"I'm not trying to be.." I said and then started to cry, "I'm not trying to be!" I yelled.

"Don't disobey your father. Bad things happen." She said,

"I didn't mean too!" I yelled.

"DON'T DISOBEY!" Bellatrix screamed into my face, then she said a spell and started to carve something onto my forearm. I started screaming and flailing my legs and other arm that wasn't pinned down.

"NO! STOP!" I said through sobs and screams it hurt like heck, "STOP!" I screamed. After like ten seconds she stood up.

"See, we just needed a little, girl to girl talk." Bellatrix said with a wicked smile, "Don't disobey or it can be worse." She added. I kept sobbing leaving my arm on the floor. It burned, and I had no clue what she had written. I looked over to my arm, tears still streaming down my face, it had said 'DISGRACE' in all capitals. I layed on the floor helplessly. Everyone will see it...I do have my robes, but all of them are soaked in blood... I thought. I looked at my arm through blurred tears, the 'R' in disgrace started to drip blood. And I felt the same burning pain, I let out another painful scream through sobs.

Everything went blurry. My tortured screams turned into soft moans of pain. My stomach lurched as the room seemed to flip upside down. My face hit the cold hard stone floor and I knew that I had fallen over.

I'm going to die here. This is where I die. I thought hopelessly. I watched my arm slowly bleed out through the deep cuts etched into my skin. More tears of pain leaked down my cheeks and moistened them. My arm throbbed painfully as if it had its own heartbeat. My body threatened to fall unconscious and my brain felt drowsy like I was drunk. At this point I actually wanted to pass out because it would relieve me of the pain I was experiencing. A blurry figure walked into the room, probably saying something but I couldn't hear. They touched my arm and I let out a whimper. The person had scooped me up. I closed my eyes. And re-opened them, my vision was back. I didn't know the man who was carrying me. But he set me on the table that everyone was sitting at. I looked over to my father who had looked away, kind of looking-sad. Hurt. In pain. Maybe the painful screams sounded blood curdling.... He probably just didn't want to see his disgraceful daughter.

"What do you wanna say about this Professor?" I asked my father. I didn't bother calling him my father because he had tortured me. Or let someone else torture me.

"No. I will be taking you back to Hogwarts and you better listen to me or I will have Bellatrix do that again." Snape threatened.

"Okay! Okay! If I have too....I don't want to go through that again." I muttered.

"Oh-and no robes aloud. You have to let all your friends see that you're a disgrace." My father said with a nasty smile.

I groaned. He was so impossible!

"Whatever." I mumbled. I was scared of the consequences but I knew that I wouldn't listen to my father anyway. Lucius clasped his hands together.

"Wonderful. Oh and by the way- I'm planning to recruit Draco to join us as Death Eaters. He would be great since he is already deep in the dark arts at school. In fact, I personally think Rose dear should join as well." He declared, flashing a sardonic smile at me.

"Not with Draco around! Heck no! That son of a bi-" I started, my father grabbed my arm tightly which told me to shush.

"Sorry about her reckless behavior..." My father said, he turned to me, "I will have Bellatrix add to your arm." He whispered into my ear. I nodded and he let go of my arm.

"So, what's the decision?" Asked Lucius.

"We will have her go undercover, I will make one very difficult task for her. If she does it, she will be okay, and recruited. If she doesn't, Bellatrix will add onto her arm." Explained my father.

"You're not giving me a choice! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" I yelled.

"Bellatrix. You know what to do." My father said Bellatrix got out of her seat.

"Write, disobedient." Snape said.

"NO! NO! PLEASE NO!" I yelled as Bellatrix grabbed my arm.

"Is this a good spot?" She asked pointing her wand under the 'DISGRACE.'

"NO! NO!" I screamed and tried to squirm, she started writing and I started screaming in pain, "STOP!" I screamed. This was all happening in front of everyone.

"OW! PLEASE STOP!" I screamed. It finally ended and I was sobbing.

"Don't disobey next time m'dear Rose." Lucius muttered with a smile.

"Don't disobey." Bellatrix whispered into my ear.

I sat up, my arm throbbed. It started to burn and I let out a painful, blood curdling scream. I sat up and looked at it, the O was now dripping blood...

"The R now O is dripping blood......" It took me a minute to realize, "Are you trying to spell out my name?!" I asked.

"Stop asking questions!" Bellatrix said in a shrill voice. I watched as more letters appear one by one. With each letter I let out a small scream and Bellatrix told me to be quiet. I was losing blood which was not good for my weakened body. I fainted about half way into the second word.

-Back at Hogwarts-

When I woke up I was laying on the stone floor of my father's office. My father was nowhere to be seen so I quickly snuck into my dorm. It took me a few minutes to remember what had made me faint. I glanced at my arm. The words ROSE IS A DISGRACE were carved into my forearm. I gasped at the sight of my new, terrible, scar. I touched it and winced so I decided to just leave it and go to bed because it was the middle of the night. 

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