C6 - Morning

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As we finally went downstairs and to the kitchen, he let go of my hand and proceeded to pull a chair out for me. As I sat there, I watched as Bo stood near the stove top, hunched over as he started adding food to my plate. Once he finished he went over and set down my plate in front of me. I looked at the various foods that were....dare I say.....lovingly, laid out for me. I smiled as the warm and sweet scent from the pancakes hit my nostrils, accompanied by the savory smell of the bacon. I began to dig in, thanking him along the way, while I took the occasional sip from the water bottle he gave me. Each bite practically warmed my soul, I haven't had a meal this good in days. I was so focused on eating that I didn't even notice how he sat beside me silently the entire time, not until I finished my meal completely.

"Ahhhh" I groaned as I rubbed my now full stomach, having good food really does wonders on your mood. "I take it you enjoyed that" Bo grinned as he took a sip from a beer bottle he had beside him. I nodded enthusiastically, "your brother is a great cook I will say" to this, he nodded in satisfaction with my answer. Although he's a bit mean, he does seem to take pride in his brother's work. Which led me to think.....just where was Vincent? I glanced over at Bo, wondering if I should even ask, was now even the time to ask?

No....maybe not.

So I held myself back and directed my attention into something more important, what's next? I guess Bo liked me enough to keep me alive, sure. But what exactly was next for me was unknown. I knew that Carly and her friends were going to come by today to get the fan-belt but......I didn't know what Bo was going to do. It seemed unlikely that he'd just give them it and call it a day, though it would make sense if he wanted things to be 'easier' for me to handle. Regardless of what he did, at the end of it all, if I'm still alive, where would I even go? I don't have a home here, I know nothing about this world and how different things may be from my own.

Though I couldn't just stay here, right?

——————- Narrator POV

Unbeknownst to Elle, her body had tensed up to a noticeable degree, catching the attention of the man in front of her. Bo watched as she anxiously played with the hem of her shirt, or well Vincent's shirt. He tried calling out to her but she seemed too distracted to hear him, he wanted to snap her out of her trance but didn't want to scare her in the process. So, he just watched and waited for her to come to her senses.

Luckily it didn't take too long, as his patience is minuscule at best. "Somethin' on yer' mind?" He questioned, seeing her body tense up and face grow pale. It definitely wasn't a good sign. "Well....I mean....it's nothing major I just...." She didn't know how to respond, even though she knew exactly what she wanted to ask. They sat in silence for a bit, the suns rays gleaming into the room from the door and casting shadows on them.

"I......I'm thankful really for your...hospitality and uh....how you saved me back there.......but what exactly is going to happen to me once you give the fanbelt to Carly and her friends?" It was oddly quiet once she spoke, making things more unsettling. She wondered if it was a good idea to ask in the first place, or if she was better off packing what she had and roaming the forest away from here. After all, she somewhat managed before on her own. Without saying anything, Bo pulled out a wallet and began rummaging through it, carefully taking out a good chunk of money and then firmly placing them onto the table. "Here"

Elle looked up at him in surprise, "what's this?", Bo rolled his eyes in annoyance "what's it look like? Money- I'll have Lester take ya down to a hotel not too far away tonight, this should be enough to help ya get yer' bearins.....the uh owner is actually hirin' too so who knows, ya may get lucky..." he answered as if he hadn't a care in the world, boredom spread all over his face, yet that was a complete contrast from what he actually felt inside. Truthfully he didn't want to let her go for a reason, but she didn't look like she could even make in Ambrose, she was just too weak for her own good.

"Thank you..." Elle smiled, relief washed over her completely and she gladly accepted his money. "No problem, just make sure you're all set up to go by 7, I reckon the group will come soon, so you won't have to deal with em before ya leave.....just stay in your room till we tell ya it's fine" Bo rubbed his temple, thinking about how he was going to tackle the upcoming situation. "Yeah, will do" Elle nodded before she got up, taking her plate with her to the sink, unconsciously she began to wash her dish, leaving Bo speechless to her mannerisms. Was it normal to wash your own dishes as another's house? Bo hadn't seen such a thing, though maybe it was more normalized than he would know, after all he's hardly played the role of a guest, and usually his 'guests' don't make it till the morning.

"Say, do ya normally do that?" He asked, earning a quick turn around from Elle. She looked panicked, realizing what she had done, but it was already too late as the plate was covered in soap. "Ah......sorry", "Oh no need! Why, Clean all you'd like-" Bo lifted his hands up In defense as he let out a laugh. Sure it was strange but he wasn't much of a cleaner himself, so to have someone do it for him was a blessing in his eyes. "Ah....hah yeah, I just...I do normally do 'this'-" She pointed to the dishes, "er but usually at a friends house or something, my mom was really weird about it" she sighed, the mention of her mother always left a sour taste in her mouth. She wasn't the worlds best mom, that's for sure. Always picking at your insecurities and trying to mold you into what she deemed as 'perfect', not motherly at all really, just a very apathetic and cruel woman.

"Huh....well, this is the first I've heard about cleaning your dish at somebody's place, but I guess it was different for ya" Bo responded, getting up from his chair and finding his place next to Elle, he watched her as she intently continued to clean her plate. Though, he could tell she wasn't quite like the others. An all too familiar look of fear drenched her face as she focused steadily on cleaning, almost as if she was entranced with the thought itself. Yeah, he could see it. The fear that could only come from a wretched mothers touch, he understood that very well. But he didn't pry, he didn't snap her out of her state either, just let her continue until the feelings faded away and she was back to normal. That was all he could really do for her, just pretend he didn't know, even though he did. She'll be gone by tonight anyways...he thought. So there was no use in any consolation, not like he was good at it anyways or even knew where to start.

Eventually Elle finished, drying her hands down on her pants. "All done?" Bo asked? "All done" she replied with a smile. "Alright, well then why don't ya get yer' self all packed up, it's getting close to the time your uh.....old pals end up comin' down, and I'm guessin' you won't wanna be here for that" Elle nodded quickly before bolting to the stairs, "Ey! now don't go too fast! if ya fall I ain't got medical insurance!" Bo yelled, but he knew it was much too late for his warnings as he could hear the pitter patter of her footsteps already, inevitably bringing a smile to his face.

I always appreciate a nice chill-ish chapter, though it won't last very long so- If ya liked this, please feel free to give it a like, comment and perhaps add it to ur list! If u have any questions, concerns or even recommendations for other stories I can possibly write, lemme know! And as per usual, I thank you for reading 💕

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 08, 2023 ⏰

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