Chapter 20: A Happy Ending

Start from the beginning

Annabelle stood back as Bob embraced both children at once and lifted them off the ground, spinning them around and around, eliciting large laughs from the young siblings. Everyone had been right. Bob was the best father in the world. He never missed an event of the kids'; he called every morning and night when he was away on an assignment and spent every spare moment he had at home ensuring he spent time with the two of them individually and collectively. Had it not been for the extremely difficult and somewhat scary circumstances of Tommy's birth, he'd have wanted at least two or three more. 

When his eyes finally met Annie's waiting patiently behind, he set down the kids and urged them into Natasha's arms that were already open wide and waiting for their turn. Bob offered a small smile to Belle and opened his arms, prompting her to run into them similar to how the kids had just a few moments before. Bob held Annie tightly, never taking for granted the feeling of having her in his arms after returning home from a mission.

"How'd it go?" 

"Piece of cake. Nothing to worry about." 

"I'm going to choose to believe you even though I get the feeling that's a bald faced lie." Bob couldn't help but laugh at how well his wife knew him, but after ten years together, they were bound to reach such a point. 

"How were the kids?" 

"The usual. Bobbi takes after you and was her quiet, patient, observant self. Tommy takes after Rooster and was running amuck the whole time." Bobby laughed yet again at the truthfulness of Annie's words. Tommy's constant energy and excitement for life were qualities they loved in their little boy, but it made for long and exhausting days. The looming prospect of him starting school in just a month made Annie more excited than she cared to admit. 

By now, Rooster had also made his way over to the family and was parading Tommy around on his shoulders as if he was the plane and Tommy was the pilot. Those two were the absolute best of friends and Annabelle was glad that Tommy had at least one parental figure around who could match his energy at all times. 

"I think they both take after you." Annie looked up at Bob with amused confusion at her husband's words, still not clear if he meant them seriously or jokingly yet. 

"How so exactly?"

"Come on, Belle. Bobbi is observant and kind and calculating. She always thinks things through before making a rash decision, but she also isn't afraid to stand up for people. Similar to how we met." Annie smiled at the memory of first meeting Bob at the Hard Deck after Hagman tried leaving him out of the pool game between all of the Top Gun aviators. The night had ended with a bruised cheek for Hangman and the start of a friendship with Bobby. Basically it turned into a win-win situation all around. 

"And Tommy is impulsive and emotional, but he has the biggest heart and the best of intentions. That kid does anything he sets his mind to. It's very lightly tamed at the moment, but he'll learn to control it as he gets older. The kids are more like you than you give yourself credit." Bob placed a long kiss to Belle's head before ushering her and the rest of the gang off the carrier top and back to the lower levels of the ship. 


"Okay, Nat. Bedtime is at 9pm, Bobbi is really good and does all of her own stuff, Tommy will do his own PJs, but DO. NOT. let him go to bed without brushing his teeth. He's going to fight you on it, if you have to hold him down and do it yourself, you have my permission. Also in the mornings--" 

"Annie. I've been watching your kids since they were infants. I live here more than I do my own home. I've got this." 

"Belle, honey. Natasha's got this. Now come on. We only have the weekend." Bob and Natasha chuckled lightly at one another as Bob tried to pull his daughter out of the house and towards the car that would lead them to their weekend getaway. Up until just a few hours ago, Annabelle was completely unaware of the trip her husband had planned for them, and so she was completely unprepared to spend two whole days away from the kids so suddenly. 

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