Chapter 8: The decision

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"No, he didn't. Your mother lied to you. I don't know why, but you will have to ask her that. Now back to your decision. Will you join the Secret Avengers?" Izuku wanted to stay on the topic his father since he barely knew, but Fury told that his mother would have more answers.

Izuku thought about the question, he instantly wanted to say yes, but he couldn't. I mean how could live up to Barton's legacy after he failed him. He let his arm get taken, his bow is broken, and now he doesn't even know if has what Barton saw him anymore. Maybe that guy died along with Barton.

"An answer, Izuku." Fury asked impatiently and Izuku gave her one.

"I...I can't." If Fury was surprised by that she didn't show as she still gave him the stone cold look.

"I can't be what you're asking me to be, not anymore. I lost my arm and I lost my bow, they were weapons and now they're gone. How can I be a hero when I can't even stop a villain from taking a piece of me away. Whatever Barton saw me is gone, you got the wrong person for this team of yours."

Fury looked at Izuku not with a glare, but more so with curiosity. She could see that there was more to it than him losing an arm. She's study people long enough to know when someone's confidence has been shot and that's what she sees from Izuku. Fury sighed and checked her watch. It read 10:00 p.m.

"I can see that you need time to think about this. The time is now 10:00 pm and now you have 24 hours to decide on your decision." Fury told as she walked to the left side of the wall and opened the door to reveal more white light. Izuku on the other hand was annoyed that she didn't listen and was about to give the woman a piece of his mind.

"Hey! Didn't you hear me, lady. I said you have the-" Izuku stopped talking when he felt something pierce his skin chest, he looked down and saw that it was the same blow dart from earlier.

"Son of a-" Izuku cursed before he fell back and drifted into sleep. Fury meanwhile had handed her gun to man wearing a dark suit.

"Take him home." The director ordered and the man nodded his head as he went into the interrogation room to take the unconsciouses teen home. Fury meanwhile was making a call on her phone.

"How was he?" The voice came.

"Broken, his confidence has been hit. He's not sure of himself, if I was here to recruit him earlier then he would've said yes." Fury told the person on the phone and a sigh was heard.

"Do you want to still proceed with the plan?"

"Of course. I gave him a 24 hours to decide. Also call the tech boys and ask if it's ready, if so tell them to send it my way. One more thing tell them to prepare a new bow."

"Understood. You think that he will still join even after what you told me." Fury nodded her head even if the person on the other line couldn't see it.

"Yes, I do. He just needs to find himself." Fury told him as she watched the agent carry the teen away from the room.

"What are you going to do in the meantime while the kid decides?"

"I'm going to see an old friend while I'm in Japan. I want to see how's he been and give me his assessment on the boy." The voice laughed on the phone.

"Tell him I said, hi. Coulson, out." Fury hung up the phone and took one more look at the dangling body Izuku and just sighed. The woman then walked down the hall as plans began to form in her head. "I should contact, Hill."

* * *

**With Melissa**

Melissa was in her room asleep, or she was trying to sleep. The girl kept twisting and turning, sweat was all over her, and she kept mumbling incoherent words. Whatever was happening to the girl was bad as she continued to violently turn her in her sleep. Images appeared in her mind, many, many images appeared.

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