Chapter 2

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Harry decided, after he had drunken his tea, that he should be getting back to his house as it was 9pm and having an over protective family like me, he had a curfew. After harry had left and i was warm inside suddenly panic struck through me. What was i going to wear tomorrow, what was i going to say? I quickly jogged up the stairs, breathless by the end, i then ran into my room. It was in a state of destruction and practically looked like an explosion of polka dot text books and clothes had happened. I quickly dived into the piles of clothes everywhere around the room and i found my favourite navy lace top and light blue jeans. They did flatter my figure which was a huge bonus as i hardly ever found something that could fit me without showing every single flaw i had. I then found my pink hairbrush and i combed out the knots in my dark brown hair and stuck my hair into an unflattering high pony tail. I soon got into bed for the second time that night, now at 11pm. But once my head hit my soft pillow i couldn't stop my brain from filling my head with useless things that made me even more nervous about the next day. After winning the battle against my mind i finally fell asleep in my light blue bed sheets.

{Next Day}

I woke up to the sound of my alarm buzzing from the inside pocket of my dressing gown. I stood up and turned it off- 9am, just enough time to take a shower, get dressed and have a spot of breakfast before i went to Harry's. I tried to take my find off things so i put on some music and danced around my bedroom mouthing the lyrics to ''Little lion man'' by Mumford and sons whilst trying to tackle my hair with my brush. I then pulled on my jeans and t-shirt and skipped down the stairs to the kitchen, i checked if there was any sign of life first before closing the doors and turning up the music on my phone to Full. I made myself a slice of toast and tea which wasn't very filling and i would've much rather had sat down to a full breakfast with sausages and eggs but i only had an hour before Harry's house.

After i had put a layer of foundation and some concealer on and tried desperately to put on eyeliner around my brown eyes I went into the bathroom and practised how i was going to act at Harry's.

'Hello Gemma and Anne' i said over and over again. I tried to get my mouth not to stutter my words but having a retainer caused me to do that most of the time.

Only half an hour left, so i started my walk to Harry's, it usually only took around 15 minutes to get there but i had a feeling i would be reluctant to be there. I walked past the houses on my lane and waving to the old women who always ventured out for walks on Saturday mornings. It was a nice morning too, the sun was visible through a few speckled clouds across the blue sky. It was cold though and i wish i had brought a jacket.

I could clearly see his house now, my heart thudded and my head was filled with worries. I slowly walked across the path outside until i was only one house away. I tried to compose myself and not look like i was about to burst with the nerves before entering. I approached the door putting my hand on the door handle to be greeted by Harry with a huge smile on his face 'Hiya babe' he winked at me giving me a quick kiss before bringing me inside. The house smelt of fresh, clean clothes and also a bit of burnt bacon 'I tried to help out with brunch' he said showing me the grill that had two pieces of black bacon on it. I just giggled in response, he showed me around his house which was cute and homely before bringing me into the living room to see Anne and Gemma sitting watching the re-runs of X factor from last week. 'Hi Anne, Hi Gemma' I said smiling and sitting down 'Oh hello Livia!' grinned Anne 'aren't you just the prettiest picture, your lucky Harry!' She laughed and Harry just nodded giving me a wink, 'Hi Livia' said Gemma bluntly, i had a feeling we weren't going to become best mates, that's for sure.

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