Tianquan's Request

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Beidou sat atop her ships mast, surveying the water below.

She was having quite the peaceful night, with the fleet gone and all that.

She yawned, stretching out on the post.

All of a sudden, she heard a noise. "It's not alike you to sit still for very long, Captain Beidou."

The pirate laughed without turning around. "Lady Ningguang. Pleasured. What might you be doing on my ship?"

The Tianquan stepped closer. "Mhm... Beidou, I need your help with something."

Beidou turned around. "Go on." Ningguang stepped closer to her, sitting right next to her. "I heard that some people are threatening to assassinate me."

Beidou languidly flicked the water.

"And you're not nervous? I would've thought something like that calls for more seriousness, Tianquan. "

Ningguang rolled her eyes. "It's a bunch of Treasure Hoarders. All bark and no bite.

I can't deal with the bother by myself, for I have a... reputation, to uphold."

Beidou smirked. "Do you need a willing little pawn to do your dirty work for you?"

The Tianquan curled her finger claws. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Maybe, I just need some backup while I deal with it myself."

Beidou nodded. "Hmm." She laid her head on Ningguang's shoulder. "I'll help, but only if you return the favor. I'm... quite bored, you know. A pirate without her crew is just a sailor."

Ningguang sighed. "Sure, then. What do you want." The pirate captain smiled. "A couple drinks would be nice."

Ningguang rolled her eyes. "The Tianquan doesn't take shots with a pirate." Beidou leaned in, inches away from the white haired woman. "Mmm, yeah.

You're right. But Ningguang does." Beidou pulled herself back. "Come on, no time like the present." Ningguang followed her.


They found the treasure hoarders in the Guyun Stone Forest, hiding in a cave. Beidou handed Ningguang a mask to cover her face with.

"The Tianquan can't be seen forsaking her own reputation out with a pirate, now can she." She mumbled, tying the mask around Ningguang's face.

"There. They'll think you're one of mine. Now let's go." Beidou stormed into the treasure hoarder camp, wielding her electro charged claymore.

"I heard you group of thugs dared to attempt an assassination of the Tianquan. Want to put your money where your mouth is?"

A larger, more muscular treasure hoarder stepped up to her. "Yeah? That would be us. And who are you."

Beidou rolled her eyes. "Aww, me? I'm just some pirate that the Tianquan hires to do her dirty work from..." she clicked her tongue- "time to time."

She readied her claymore. "You claim to be able to assassinate the Tianquan?

Try with me, first, and we'll see how that claim holds up." The muscular treasure hoarder charged, and Beidou blocked his strike, dealing all his damage back to him.

He staggered back, angry. "Men, grab her "assistant." I'll deal with whoever this bitch is that thinks she can take us on."

Beidou rolled her eyes.

"Ooh, so crafty with your insults."

Ningguang ran up to the men, rapidly hitting them with geo projectiles. "Your life is mine!" She yelled, jumping into the air and spinning.

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