Chapter 1: What have we gotten ourselves into?

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"Master Van Dort, from the beginning. Again!" The Pastor ordered, annoyance in his tone as he tried to get my brother to remember his vows, they'd been at this for three hours now.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." The Pastor begun to recite.

"Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine." He carried on, looking done with the entire situation as he read from the book.

"With this candle, I will light your way in darkness." He droned on, I held back a sigh of boredom, Jesus, this ceremony will be sooo dull when it's the real deal.

"With this ring, I ask you to be mine." The old bastard finished, causing me to sit up a bit, before Mother could realise I had been slouching, I felt bad for my brother, being stared at by people who didn't like him didn't help his nerves at all.

"Let's try it again." The pastor turned to my brother, glaring at him alongside the Everglot parents.

"Yes. Yes, sir." My brother spoke up in confirmation.

"With this candle..." He tried, moving to light said candle, which wouldn't light, now personally I think that is the world taking the piss and laughing at him.

"This candle..." He tried again, but it still wouldn't light, he tried again, repeating the words, until Mother spoke up, making him look back at us.

"Shall I get up there and do it for him?" Mother asked looking to Father.

"Don't get all aflutter, dear." Father tried to calm her, I just looked back at my brother sympathetically, the Everglot's were practically glaring daggers into him, unamused by the situation.

Victor turned back to the Pastor who cleared his throat, banging his staff on the ground, before Victor tried again, managing to light it, standing up straight.

"With this candle..." He tried again, before it blew out on it's own, something is definitely fucking with him, the pastor groaned in annoyance as everyone sighed in annoyance.

"Continue!" The Pastor yelled out, before the doorbell rung, causing everyone to look around.

"Get the door, Emil." Lord Everglot ordered his butler who promptly left.

"Let's just pick it at the candle bit." The Pastor spoke up, looking at my brother with further annoyance.

The butler came tapping his way back in quickly, giving something to Lord Everglot, I wasn't paying attention, just trying to keep focused on my brother, but a voice caught my attention.

"I haven't a head for dates. Apparently, I'm a day early for the ceremony." I turned to see a really horse shit looking asshole, Lord Barkis, I looked away, trying to not glare towards him, keeping my eyes to my brother and his fiancé, I suddenly didn't want to be here anymore.

They were silent for a moment, before Barkis told them to continue the ceremony, causing them to turn back, I took notice that Victoria's candle had been lit already.

"Let's try it again, shall we, Master Van Dort?" The Pastor inquired, bringing the couple's attention back onto him.

"Yes. Yes, sir. Certainly." As my brother spoke, Victoria lit his candle for him, while he wasn't looking, my brother held up his left hand, which happened to be the wrong one.

"Right!" The Pastor growled, irritably, causing my brother to nod.

"Right." He affirmed, before realising what the Pastor meant, hurriedly trying to fix his mistake.

"Oh, right!" He quickly switched the hand the candle was in, putting up his right hand.

"With this.... This...." He tried, forgetting what part of the verse he was suppose to do.

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