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(Hi here is the next ch first off all thanks for reading my story's second I am Sry if there are some mistake and third I hope u have no problems reading my story but anyways have fun reading it)

The little creature slowly woke up inside of the book shelf's, of the academy of sumeru.

Y/n pov
"I want fooooooood but I'm scared of leaving the spot I don't want to get chased"  I slowly took a peak outside the bookshelf making sure nobody dangerous is out there . "Good nobody dangerous " after taking jump outside the bookshelf all I heard was ......"WHAT IS THAT THING GET IT AWAY!" next thing I knew is that some people where chasing me while throwing books at me . "PLS STOP THIS " i continued to jump till I crashed into someone.

Alhaitam pov
I was enjoying the book thinking to take it.  with me . I turned to the next page till something crashed on my book that I was reading. Confused looking at that thing that crashed into me I took a look at it. Pink,ball,ears. I still continued with my gaze till I hear someone shout ."ALHAITAM TAKE CARE OF UR PET!" . Leaving me with that pink ball behind.

Y/n pov
What ever happened it stop I slowly peak till meet green grayish eyes stealing into my   crying ones. I took my time thinking that I am dreaming and I am not in Mr alhaitam lap . Next thing I knew I was on the table , making me come back to reality . All I know is that if I am with this man I am save   and I am lucky . So the next thing I do is to cling on his cape making him look at me. "Pls don't leave me alone I can't live like this pls take me with u" tears coming out of my bubbly body.

Alhaitam pov
All I thought was leave it and go till I feel something on me . This thing was clinging on my cape crying while giving sounds "blub blub  blubbbbbb" . I took it off from my cape and carried it outside, putting it down and taking my leave ones more only that it keeps following me . Till I almost came home I stood still turning around and crossing my arms ."fine u win come here" is all I say till it come jumping into my faces rubbing it's body on mine.

Y/n pov
I keep on follow him he's my only hope to survive I need him. "Pls don't leave me hear I be good and I am quiet and I I can help u pls take me with you!" .I followed him till he stopped turning around and saying " fine u win come here" .after hearing those words I jumped in his faces rubbing myself on him . I am so happy and so we went to his door taking me him into his room. It was classic and comfortable he put me down on him bed and put his books away. I'm starving so I jumped of his bed and bubt it's leg . He looked at me for a min till he gave me a bowl of chicken and said "is this what u want?". I jumped happy slowly eating the food I finally had some food after 2 days "it's so good" .after the food I went to the bed after some time he finally closed the book he was reading ,and taking off his shoes while taking off his cape . I took a good look at this handsome Mann . He lays on his bed next to me closing his eyes. "Oh lord he's so handsome I hit the jack pot " I kept my eyes on him till he said "well now ur here what do I do with u first I have no clue why u keep on staying by my side and second what are u ,but I can do that tomorrow so go to sleep" he closed his eyes ,I tried to sleep but it was too cold making me freeze till he pushed me next to him "now u won't freeze sleep " . I blushed "this is making me harder to sleep "

Nobody's pov
The next morning came outside off alhaitam room is blond haird Mann standing waiting for alhaitam to wake up after knocking many times . "Alhaitam wake up or the food is gonna get cold " he walked away from the door and took his seat at the table starting to eat. "HEY UR BLACK TEE IS GONNA GET COLD WAKE UP!"

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