before Bahrain

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Julie's pov

It all started on

january 22nd

I was packing moving boxes. I just graduated college, I majored in communications. But that all ended, so that meant I had to move out of the dorms. No big thing you'd think, but I'd do anything to not go home. I chose a college so far away from home for a reason. I have been living in my brothers shadow for so long, I just couldn't take it anymore. The older brother, the first child, the lawyer, the genius, the best, the example, my brother was all that. Liam Brown everyone, the perfect example of why I, Julie Brown, could try harder, could do better. I was never going to live up to my parents expectations. That's why I went to college here, in Australia. I chose an international study and moved all the way from England to here. And I absolutely loved it here. The University of Melbourne has been treating me well. I've made lots of friends and I was finally able to breath. I had a really fun roommate over the last couple of years, but he had to move a early. Career wise he said, but he never said what his career was. We keep in touch, so I sorta know what he's up to. He's in England as we speak, so I'll be seeing him soon.\

Little did I know back then of the curcumstances we'd be meeting under.

february 13rd

Summer break ended and I was back to moping in my room in England. I had spent the summer in Australia, to make one last summer to remember. But as soon as I came back I was reminded of why I left in the first place. My parents kept pushing me to get a job as soon as possible and you can guess it, just like my brother. I told them I was looking for a job, but that sometimes things don't go the way they were planned. Of course they compared me to Liam again and my dad said he was going to reach out to his brother for a job. Great, just what I needed. I don't want someone else to fix my problems, but at this point there was no point in disagreeing with him.

february 15th

I was watching Netflix in my room when my dad walked in. "Julie, I've found you a job" he said. "Wait?! For real?" I came off way to excited. "My brother needed someone to handle outgoing communication, press and PR, I recommended you for the job" he said. I look at him, questioning his words. "Okay, you got me. I told him you'd take the job" He continues. "Omg dad, be for real? Not like this." This was so not my plan. Not that I had a plan; but you get my point. "Don't they need me to do a job interview or something?" I tried. "You're his niece Juliette, of course you don't!" He says as he walks towards my door. Typical dad: announce something big and then just leave. Just before he walks out he says "You start tomorrow, I'll drive you" And he's disappeared. For fucks sake. Great.

february 16th

Today was the day I'd start at my uncle's company. I knew he was in a business with like cars and stuff. So, I googled him last night, to get to know about the company. Of course, I see stuff I already knew. Like how he was born in Los Angeles, like my dad. Mom's English and dad is American. Quite the world trip every time we go see grandma. My dad went to England with my uncle and that's when he met my mom. I'm trailing off, back to the story. My uncle, Zak Brown, CEO of McLaren. That's what I found. That's cool. He became CEO of McLaren the year I left for Australia, so I didn't really get any of that information actively. Number 5 in the F1 constructors championship, although I didn't know what that meant. I scrool for a bit, but decided to cal it a night. It was about 6.30 AM when my alarm went off. I got up and got ready. I was tired, but I had to be at my uncle's house at 8.00 and he was going to take me to the company. My brain needs to adapt. Come on Julie, no to company, yes to McLaren. My uncle was going to take me to McLaren

I open my closet and pick out an outfit. I have to make a good first impression, so I put on: black mom jeans, a white tank top, a brown leather jacket, my doctor Martins and a black Dior bag. I put some volume in my hair. I used to put lemon juice in my hair everyday back in Australia, so I still have some highlights left. I put my phone, keys and wallet in my bag and get downstairs to have some breakfast. My mom prepared some bagels with avocado and eggs for me. "Thankyou mom" "You're welcome sweetheart". I eat everything and get ready to leave. I get in the car with my dad, and we get going.

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