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Prologue  ↳ WARNING(S):

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THERE WILL BE BLOOD, SLIGHT GORE, VIOLENCE, DRUG USAGE, SMUT, AND SWEARING. If this makes you uncomfortable, please turn back now.


The book was influenced by an old video game, Vampire: The Masquerade.

Hinata's screams reverberated throughout the dark atmosphere that was Takemichi's mind

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Hinata's screams reverberated throughout the dark atmosphere that was Takemichi's mind. Red clouded his vision, and he felt cold. The tips of his fingers and toes tingle and the heavy weight of fatigue pressed on him.

The poor male's head felt as if someone was pounding on his head with a sledgehammer as he lay in the cool and damp ambiance of an alleyway. Water dripped from the darkened skies, pooling around Takemichi's head. Much like the blood that oozed from beneath him. Stains of red decorated the inside of his nostrils, and it bruised at the corner of his pink lips. Feeling weak from the injuries he sustained, he barely flinched when the sonance of heels clicking against the pavement echoed over Hinata's screams.

Through his hazy, half-lidded eyes, Takemichi could make out the figure of a woman looming over him. Red-stained lips, dusky skin, and ominous red eyes gleamed down at him.

Your cherry lips smeared into a devious smile as you tilted your head. Your dark braids cascaded your back and your shoulders, slightly obscuring some of your features from the young man. However, nothing could erase the glow of your rose-colored eyes.

You hummed as more figures emerged from behind your leaned form.

Another young woman. She had long blonde hair, and her golden eyes gleamed as she stared back at Takemichi's half-dead gaze. She flipped her soft fringes behind her shoulders and made a face. "Who's the twink?" she harrumphed.

"Emma," you snickered. "Play nice," you chided, "haven't Shinichiro and Mikey taught you not to mock your food?"

"This one's not food, sweets," another figure. A young man with short dark hair. His dark eyes gleamed red the moment Takemichi's eyes met his.

"Oops," you feigned embarrassment, "did I say food? My bad," you chuckled. "He just looks so good—my, I could just eat him up."

"So what do we do with him? He reeks," A taller male spoke. The flanks of his head were bald, and there was a dragon tattoo on the side of his head. A long black braid trailed behind him as he crossed his broad arms.

"Nonsense!" you objected, "you're only saying that because you hate virgin's blood-"

"He's a virgin?" The shortest of them all (excluding this Emma character) A black haired male stood beside you, his dark hair was shoulder length, he blinked as he peered down at Takemichi. "Of course he is," Emma turned her nose up, almost in a snobbish manner. "Look at how he's dressed."

Okay, ouch.

Who stands over a dying man and mocks how he's dressed. Is this really how Takemichi was going to die? Surrounded by these bizarre characters? One was already complaining about how he smelt and another was disparaging the ripped fabrics, of what used to be clothes, on his bloodied body.

"Emma," the man with the braid sighed, his tired tone seemingly sounding as if he were warning her.

The blonde woman known as Emma raised her hands in defense. "I was just saying," she rolled her eye agaain. "You can't expect someone to wanna fuck you when you're wearing what he's wearing." She backed away, evidently walking away from the sonance of her faded footsteps. "C'mon, can we just pick the dead guy up already and get the fuck outta here? It smells." She complained.

"Women," the short-haired man hummed.

However, he chuckled when you slapped his chest in offense. "I was kidding!"

Takemichi blinked, gurgling on the blood that pooled in his mouth. His hand extended shakily. It was one last silent entreaty for help.

And thankfully, as his eyes closed, a hand grasped his before it could weakly drop to the damp pavement.

Their voices faded—

"Oh! Oh! Shini," your voice cooed, "let me have him! Oh please?"

"I'll think about it-"

"He's not gonna think about shit, he's so pussy-whipped—"

"And you aren't, Mikey? I could have sworn-"


"Hurry up!" Emma called from the background, "I'm already dead but I'm dying to get the hell out of here."

And that, my friends, is how this story starts.

It all begins with a tall man with a dragon tattoo dragging him by his ankles to the trunk of an expensive-looking car. Each character talking to one another as if this were an everyday occurrence.

By the time Takemichi was lugged into the trunk the tall man slammed the trunk down on him, swallowing him in nothing but darkness.

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