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The whole day was spent searching and coming up empty, leaving everyone frustrated. Voight ended up making all of them head home around 11 PM, both Hailey and Lacey riding together in Lacey's car.

"Now how is it that you get a really nice Jeep but I get an old Taurus?" She asked, starting a conversation as both of them were yawning. The drive home was a short 20 minutes but she wasn't going to risk herself falling asleep and going off the road.

"I don't know. Got lucky I guess. I'm partnered with Jay now too. I guess Erin just left for New York and no one has heard from her," Hailey shrugged, leaning back against the headrest.

"Yeah. She did. And I'm not too fond of the way she just broke my brother. Don't tell anyone but he got our mom's ring from Will. He was gonna propose," she ranted, before changing the subject, "Was it her car?"

"I think. I don't know. I've seen a lot of people in the unit drive it but I guess now it's all mine,"

"Can't wait until I actually get to use it," she sighed, pulling onto the highway, "I wish I could just use my regular car and get it fitted with the lights,"

"Your car wouldn't be able to keep up," Hailey chuckled, thinking about the old Civic that now sat in the street in front of the house.

"You're right, but I know how to drive it so it'd be fine," She shrugged, looking over at Hailey.

As the clock struck 11:30, Lacey pulled up to the house and into the driveway. Both of them headed in, and straight to their bedrooms, flopping into bed.


Lacey came down at 7:30 with a yawn but was already ready to go as Hailey was waiting for the coffee.

"That's it, I'm buying you a Kuerig so you don't have to wait for the full pot to finish and dump half of it out," She sighed, yawning again as she grabbed herself a mug from the cabinet.

"I've been wanting one, but they're so expensive. I'll split it with you," She nodded, leaning against the counter as they waited.

"I am all for that, as long as we are living together long enough to make it worth it. And who gets it in the divorce?" Lacey joked, making Hailey chuckle.

"Shut up," She said as she swatted her friend. "We gonna talk more about Ryan?"

"You're still on this?" Lacey asked, pulling the creamer out of the fridge as the coffee finished.

"Yeah," She nodded, "He's super sweet Lace. He'd be so good for you,"

"Hail," She sighed, "Maybe after I get settled in intelligence. I don't need a guy clouding my brain when our job is so dangerous,"

"I'm just saying, it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing to have someone to lean on after a bad day," Hailey said as she picked up her bag.

"That's why I have you, and that's why we have whiskey in the house. I have you, I have my brothers, my partner," She listed off, knowing she could always use one more but not wanting to focus on it.

"One day you'll listen to me," The blonde shook her head, walking out to Lacey's car with her.


Before The Wind Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora