Wishes and Prayers Answered

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Y/n a young girl praying and hoping for her dreams to soon be answered after years of failed attempts still has hope that one day she can see what the outside world looks like after being kept in a cell since birth up till now at the age of 12, rewatching My Hero Academia for about the 20th time, to say the least, she wanted to get out of there quick.


"Please answer my plea I want to get out of-" "Y/N TIME FOR YOUR TESTS," said a doctor cutting her off from her praying "again?..." she mumbled.

Every time she gets older they increase the tests, she has to test her intelligence, and let's just say way beyond understanding but of course, she has her moments where she is a little dumb and she still acts like a teenager but just very intelligent beyond anyone's years.

After she was finished testing it was 11:00 pm so she got on her chair that was propped at the mini window she has for so-called air circulation looked at the stars and prayed before she got to bed.

"My name is Y/n I am pretty sure you knew that though I know I'm a bother please I want to leave this horrible place and maybe travel I want to see the outside at least once in my life.." she said before a wave of dizziness hit her as she passed out.


"W-where am I!" she yelled as she woke up in an all-black room no one was there just pure darkness until she heard laughter.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA" it was honestly....very funny to her and yes she finds just about anything funny so of course not being able to contain her laughter she started laughing too "HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA" and this went on for about 3 minutes before the laughing died down.

That was when the voice in the darkness spoke "Wow kid no one has been able to make me laugh like that in ages, I bet you are wondering who I am I am nothing but something I am just a void between worlds and I want to retire so I need someone to give this job to and you are an interesting person so I chose you" he said carelessly causing you to sweatdrop.

The void had explained to you what your ability is going to be and the part where you can go into any anime world which got you excited you both talked for a bit before once again you passed out.

Sometime Later

You then woke up in an alleyway but for some reason, the art style of the anime you got transported to for the first time seemed too familiar before you moved you heard crying.

When you inched closer you realized that the baby looked a lot like you but the baby in a basket with a blanket and bow, was a boy, you scanned the baby for a couple of minutes then you found a note tucked under the blanket reading

Hi y/n it's me the void! I know that I told you about your abilities and such but you seemed lonely so I gave you a child, this baby is yours.

You can name him whatever you want, he is just as smart as you right now you are about 12 at the moment this is so by the time you meet the characters your son will be three years old, another thing I would like to add is that every single time you interact with a soulmate their name will appear on his arm he has the same powers as you and it is your job to protect and raise him as his mother I know you will do a good job with that because of your background have fun with your new powers and friends we will meet again sooner than you think.

The Bridge Between Worlds (Book 1) MHA various x fem op isekai readerWhere stories live. Discover now