This man is infuriating me.

"Yash, I think you don't understand. It's over between us and he's not other men, Aditya is my boyfriend and I will do whatever I want... You don't hold me accountable so you better stay in your lane."


"Don't be a kid. It's my Dhara's wedding and I don't want you around me. It's shouldn't be too difficult to understand."

Before I have to listen to him any further and I throw hands I walked away.

He asks me..What am I doing?
What the fuck does he think he's doing?

I feel this sudden ick all over my body even thinking about him.

Was I really upset at a point in my life because he didn't want to marry me?


I go to sit by my girlfriends. My eyes look for him.
And there he was.... Talking to Abeer's parents, with his arm around Abeer... holding him in a playful neck hold...making them laugh.

He has such a beautiful smile. And the way he makes others smile makes me want to have babies.

Aaah! STAWP there, Zoya...babies? I shook my head lightly.

"Want some?" Sam asked, forwarding me a glass of wine.

I smiled and took it. "Would love to."

"I thought you don't crave alcohol anymore." Tina teased, nudging me.

"Oh she doesn't! Madame has discovered something a lot more delicious... didn't you Zoe?" Sam laughed again.

"C'mon yaar Dhara, why don't you introduce us to Abeer's other friends or is it a privilege only for our Zoe, hun?...."

"Stop it ya, you guys." Dhara laughed.

"It's pointless, anyways." Priya said.

"Why?" All of us turned towards her.

"These two bagged the hottest of the group....bitches." she laughed.

"You guys better stick to just Dhara...don't drag me inbetween."

"Oh! Shut up. I was the first one... You got yourself with my husband's bestfriend....I wish you people were on that trip with us...Aditya just couldn't take his eyes off her....."

"Just like...right now." Sam's words made us look towards him... Aditya was looking at us.
No. Me... He was looking at me, a small smile but something in his eyes that was meant only for me to read.
Yearning. The way he's looking at me makes me want to go and hug if that's what he's conveying

"Ooouu... spicyyyy" Tina whispered.

"Stop you people." I bit my cheeks to stop myself from blushing.

"I'm soo happy for you.." Priya rubbed her thumb on my hand." Touchwood." She said.

I smiled at her. This angel.

"We keep Yash away from her. Oki?" Dhara said making me turn to her.

"On it." They all nodded.

These girls are my life. I swear.

"Do you have condoms tho?" Tina asked.

"No. Why?"

I know why. I should be having them. Oh God! Only if I knew that I'm going to feeling all that I'm feeling.  It would have been a smart move to keep them handy.
But who's smart?
Clearly, not me.

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