About... the feelings...

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Y/n pov:

Nahida and Aether had been gone for a while. It had been silent between me and Kunikuzushi. He could probably not speak and I enjoyed the silence so it was no problem for me.

I sat on the floor, hadn't moved an inch since they left. That's when I heard Kunikuzushi attempt to speak.
I turned my eyes to him and he looked back at me, trying to say something.

I waited for him. "W-why..." he whispered.

Why what?
Does he mean why we had to defeat him? Probably.

"We couldn't let you become a god, I thought that much was obvious..." I said carefully. However, he shook his head. "No... idiot." He said, sounding as if he was trying to be venomous but failing. If he tried to insult me, it didn't work.

"Why... did you come look for me... in the factory... that day..." he asked between his shaky voice. Oh...

I was hesitant to answer, but decided to do so. "Why wouldn't I? What else would I do after waking up after 500 years? You were the only one I had." I said honestly.

Then I met his eyes again, he tried to glare at me.
"I told you... I would kill you if I stumbled upon you again. Yet you still pursued me in this battle." He said. His voice had gotten better at least.

I sighed. What an idiot he is.
"Yet you still went easy on me in the battle. You jerk, you shouldn't have done that, you doomed yourself to lose." I lectured him. He sighed, but I wasn't done speaking yet.

"And anyways, trying to make me your first follower goes against everything you said." I lectured him again. He sighed in annoyance again. "That coma you put me in was annoying you know! I've been resting too much for my liking. I think I'll be able to stay awake for years until I'm sleepy again." I said.

He rolled his eyes. "It wasn't that big of a deal. I bet you were enjoying it." He smirked.

It took everything in me not to hit him right there. "Oh please, you were the one who did it." I said back.

He chuckled. "I guess I was. Can't blame me can you?" He said, speaking in a fake innocent voice.
I rolled my eyes but smiled along. "You did miss me then, more than you'd like to admit I assume." I said and smirked.

He raised an eyebrow. "Who missed who here? I'm pretty sure you're the one who's holding me so affectionately right now." He said.

"You'd rather I let go of you?" I asked.

"Don't." He answered immediately. He spoke so sincerely and softly with only that word.

My soft hold around him didn't let go.
It was silent for a few seconds before I heard him chuckle, breaking the silence. "You didn't get hurt, did you?" He asked me regarding the battle that just went down.

"Only a little exhausted." I answered.

"You're strong you know... you almost annoyed me in that fight." He said back causing me to roll my eyes.

He was obviously acting as if he didn't reach out to me, begging me not to leave him about an hour ago.

"There's something you should know." I said.
He nodded, mentioning for me to go on.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now