Oc name..... Changed

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"hello, there! I'm Ashley. As you reader know I'm the oc of this story."

"Yes! I'm the most intelligent and awesome oc of all! Muahaha *proceeds with evil laugh*"

"Would you shut it! I'm trying to think something! Shut up for a min!!!"

"It will be better if you'd calm down, Ashley. Our author is thinking."

"Come on, ash!! He doesn't need to think anything! And what should he be thinking about? He is busy enough with the exams! So much that he doesn't bother write chapters for us!! For our readers!!"

"I know that I'm lacking and that's why I'm trying to write something... But you!! You are disturbing my concentration!!! Because of you being a annoying loudspeaker i can't focus!!!"

"Ha.. your balming me?? I'm at fault you can't write stuffs bc u don't have any thoughts on writing! You're focused on ur upcoming exams and who knows whatever shit!"

"That's it! I'm changing your name to.. to..to...
To loudshit! Yes I'm!! If you don't want it them keep ur mouth shut!"

"Huh!! Your dare change my name!! I won't allow it!!!. Fight me!"

"You should calm down, and i mean both of you. By screaming your throats out won't solve anything "

"Ik you will understand me, ash. You're wayyyyyyyyyy better than my oc who i wrote ;-;"

"Hah..  so what. Even if ur the author you can't change my name as you wish! Your readers don't agree!"

*Proceeds with showing the comment on the previous chapter*

"Any last wishes you would like to say? Because I'm changing your name *evil smirk*"

"No no.. NO!!! I don't agree!! So what readers want the name to be changed!! I don't agree!!! No my name!!!!"

*Changed her name in the upcoming chapter*


*Ashley proceeds to disappear into the air*

"Finally there is some peace and quite"

"But what about now? Your oc needs a name for the story to proceed. What will you do now?"

"What else... Other than wracking my remaining brain cells to think of a new name ;-;"

"If you'd allow me. I'd like to give you a few suggestions for a name, from which u may get ideas or select a new name for the oc"

"Please do so! Ik i can count on you!! Aura guardians are the best!!!"

*Sighs Ash, as he proceeds to provide with various types of name*

"I have thought of a name..."

"What is it?"

"Xiovi... What do u think of this name?"

"It's unique.. but dont u think it's rather hard to pronounce?"

"How is it hard? Xio-vi easy! Xio-vi.. so easy. And this sounds rather cool, don't you agree?"

"Let's see what are the results of this name"

*Proceeds with writing the new name on the upcoming chapters*

**With a bright flash, a human like figure started to appear in front of them**

"Hi there, I'm xiovi. The new oc for the story. Pleased to be your acquaintance."

*Ash and author stares at each other and then at xiovi*

"Hello xiovi! Drop the formalities, we are all frnds here. Welcome to the story!"

*Ash nods in agreement*

“Thank you. I hope that i won't be a burden to the story.”

*Author grins from ear to ear*

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