Prologue Act 1 Part 2: The Traveler and the Emergency Food

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Based on observation alone, the girl looked to be unconscious as she didn't move all that much. As she laid unmoving, you scratched your chin in a deep thought over the situation you now found yourself in.

(Y/N): *thinking* Hang on. Is... is she what I pulled out of the water? Shiiiiit... I'm not gonna have to resuscitate her, do I? I'm gonna get such weird looks if I do. At the same time though, I can't just leave her like this. *sigh* Anna, if I get in trouble, I'll curse you for the rest of my life.

With your internal dialogue over, you walked up to the small, unconscious girl and picked her up by her legs and dangled her in front of you. There was a chance that she was just knocked out, so you tried just speaking to her.

(Y/N): Hey, are you okay?

You asked, gently shaking her to try and wake her up. All you got from her was a small mumble and a few words as her eyes remained shut.

???: *mumbles* So... so delicious. So... tasty.

You shook her again with a little more force and called to her a second time.

(Y/N): Hey! Pull yourself together! *thinking* Just wake up already so I can preserve whatever dignity I might still have left!

This time, your efforts bore some fruit as the girl stirred from her slumber, still mumbling in the process until she awoke with a gasp. It was now that you could finally see her dark purple eyes as they looked down at your feet before they slowly scanned upwards until they stopped at your face as you tilted your perplexed head to the side.

All of a sudden, she screamed and recoiled in fear, making you let go before she hovered over to a nearby rock as fast as she could and hid behind it... wait, hover?

Paimon: P-Please don't eat Paimon! Paimon tastes really bad!

She begged in a high pitched voice. You snapped out of your shock and put up your hands to try and calm her down.

(Y/N): Woah, woah, take it easy. I'm not gonna eat you. *thinking* Although, you do look just big enough for a meal, but... I'm not one for cannibalism. God, Silence of the Lambs really screwed me up. *speaking* Are you okay? Are you hurt in any way?

You asked, trying to show her that you weren't a threat. It seemed to have worked as the girl slowly came out from the rock and her fear was replaced with curiosity.

Paimon: O-Oh, Paimon's just fine.

She answered before hovering up to you until she was at eye level with you.

Paimon: Thanks for asking, Mr... uh, who are you?

You offered her a handshake.

(Y/N): I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N. I'm guessing that your name is Paimon since you keep saying it instead of "I" or "I'm," right?

She nods and smiles before accepting your handshake with her small hand.

Paimon: Uh-huh! It's nice to meet you!

You looked at her body size for a few seconds before you came to a conclusion.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* I'm starting to think that she really is what I fished out of the ocean.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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