Chapter 9: Wolf Out

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Oh shit. I'm wolfing out!!!

"WeNsDay- OuT- NOW-" I yell trying to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

She grabs my jacket I took off earlier and slid out of the cage door locking it shut. Luckily she did so just in time. Welp now I'm officially in my wolf form now how fun. Not really. I hate being in this form it's not like I can even do anything cool.

At least this time it didn't hurt as bad. The first time I wolfed out I thought I was dying but it was worth it to save Wens.

"Wow. Enid your wolf form is bewitching. I didn't get to pay much attention to it the first time you wolfed out."

I smile at her kind words. See I told you she was literally the sweetest! OH SHIT MY SMILE LOOKS LIKE A SNARL IN WOLF FORM.

I tap my paw on the ground to tell Wens I'm not snarling. She taught me morris code so that I could communicate with her during full moons. Gotta say it's coming in handy so far!

"I know you weren't snarling. You didn't have that look in your eye like you did with Tyler."

I had a look??? Well I mean I was SO fucking pissed that someone was hurting my bestie westie at the time which just turned out I'm super hella fuckin gay and was in love with her the whole time- #ProtectiveGfMode!

"I'm going to come back into the cage."

I frantically tap my paw telling Wednesday to not come in here cause I don't want to risk hurting her.

"You won't hurt me Enid. I trust you." She unlocks the cage and walks in towards me.

I'm super scared that I'm going to hurt her. She trusts me but I don't trust myself...I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt her.

To my surprise Wednesday walks over to me and places a hand on my side. She looks into my eyes, letting me see everything she is feeling. Not a single bit was fear. That right there told me how much she truly trusted me. It brought me comfort.

I lean into her touch, taking in every ounce of this physical touch. Wens doesn't typically initiate our hugs, hand holding, etc, so for her to do this made me feel safe and comfortable.

"What do you say we cuddle in the corner and get some sleep Wolf."

"Awooooo!" I howl at her to signal that's a hell yeah!

"Enid quit it. You are going to set off all of the other werewolves and we won't get any sleep."

I tap my paw on the ground giving an apology. I didn't think twice about that-

We huddled together in the corner. I curled up into a ball with her at the center. It was rather cold tonight so I wanted to make sure she stayed warm. She payed the big blanket over me so that I wouldn't be exposed when I detransformed. She truly does think of everything! My dumbass didn't think about that at all.

"Goodnight Enid. Sleep well bellissima."

I tap my paw on the ground asking her what the hell bellissima meant. My guess was that it was beautiful but I wanted to make sure!

"It means beautiful in Italian."

She thinks I'm beautiful...I've never had someone think that about me before. What have I done to deserve such a great...friend with benefits? Girlfriend! Best friend? I don't know exactly what we are but I'm to tired to think about it right now.

The next morning:

I woke up in my human form under the humongous blanket Wens got me. This thing was so warm! Oh wait, that's just Wens laying up against me. She's so cute!

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