Goddammit youtube

33 5 3

This is the 3rd day in a row where I've seen the same fucking porn video on YouTube shorts.

Yes you read that right.

If anyone has any younger siblings with unsupervised YouTube privileges, please. Please keep an eye out. Considering I've seen the same porn video 3 days in a row I'm pretty sure it's being reposted by bots.

"Oh don't worry, here at YouTube we care about children! You don't have to worry!"

YouTube, your willing to screw over tons of content creators becuase they said "fuck" 5 seconds into a video BUT YOUR GONNA ALLOW UNCENSORED PORN TO GO AROUND IN SHORTS AND NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT?

Makes sense. Honestly makes sense.

This sadly isnt the first time I've seen porn on the platform which really fucked up. Sure it was sloppily censored but inleast it was censored.

YouTube fix your fucking app already.

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