"So Laenerys I haven't found time to ask you but do you like Winterfell?" Elinor her Mother in law asked the girl as she sat their.

"Yes I have finally gotten used to the cold."

"That is good to hear." Elinor said with a gentle tone before she kept on speaking. "I was the same when I first arrived."

"Ah yes I remember." Ned then added to the conversation. "You wouldn't stop complaining." And then the couple started to laugh clearly remembering the youth of thirst marriage.

And as Laenerys listened to her in laws speak she felt a cold hand move to her thigh sending tingles through out her body.

She knew it was Cregans simply by his touch but also by the large smirk he had on his face as he spoke with Lord Arryn.

His hand drew small circles around her bare skin. It made her feel safe and warm despite the cold touch.

Laenerys glanced up at him as him conversation continued.

After a while Laenerys excused herself from the table as she went to get some fresh air away from everyone.

( TW SA )

As Laenerys walked down the corridor she felt on edge as if someone was following her but she paid no attention to it as she knew she was safe. She thought she was safe.

However as she turned the corner a pair of dirty hands latched onto her face around her mouth and arm silencing her screams. As the man forced her into the wall and pressed his chest into her back.

"Hello beautiful." He slurred and Laenerys could fell his hot sticky breath on her and ur felt disgusting. It wasn't like Cregans touch it made her want to throw up as his hand rubbed up and down her arm working it way to her hip and caressing them.

Silent sobs and muffled screams escaped her mouth but neither were heard as the form hand stayed over her mouth.

"You want this dont you." He said once more with a sinister chuckle as his hand slowly ripped the top of her dress exposing her collar bones before he spoke with his horrible voice once more.

"You want me you dirty little whore." He spat in her face as he spoke making Laenerys stomach twist in all sorts of ways of disgust.

As Laenerys struggled against his grip she managed to get a few words out as his hands slipped of her mouth. "Please." She whimpered. "Stop please." It was as if she begging for him to stop something that she didn't even ask for in the first place.

His hands now edged ever closer down her waist to between her thighs but he stopped as he removed one of
his hands and moved to undo his trousers which only made Laenerys even more uncomfortable and more and more sobs escaped her.

"Help!" She screamed as she tried to removed his hand from her body but it was no use he had trapped her between him and the wall.

The man then slapped her across the face leaving a red mark where his hand had been.

"He quite you little whore! Can't you see your mine!" He now also screamed at her.

Laenerys let the tears slip down her cheeks as his hands once more came in contact with her skin.

"Cregan!" She screamed even louder then before hoping for anyone to save her as the man's filthy hands made their way across clothed body and exposed shoulder.

"Cregan please!" She whimpered through cries.

( END )

"Get away from her!" The voice of her husband entered her ears. He was speaking in a tone she had never heard before and it was threatening.

"Get off her!" He screamed as he ran towards the scene.

He ripped the man off of Laenerys and pushed him to the floor.

And the first thing Cregan then did was beat the living shit out of said man. He spat insults in his face as his fists met him everywhere blooding the man's body and his own knuckles.

In Cregans eye their was only hate and rage at what he had just seen. Men who did things like that were the worst kind of men but considering he did it to his wife it made it worse.

"You bastard!" He screamed in face as his hands one more met his face and when he was on the brink of death Cregan left him. He knew he would so much worse to him by imprisoning him.

His eyes lingered on the man's beaten up face for a while until he heard the distant sobs of his wife and looked up at her.

Immediately he started to walk up to her and placed his coat over her shoulders to cover where her dress had been ripped.

Laenerys heisted to his touch which made him feel upset that he didn't find her sooner.

"It's ok." He said in a soft tone. "It me." He whispered to her quietly as if not to scare her.

Then his hand wiped away her tears before he wrapped his arms around her. Laenerys instantly collapsed into his arms sobbing.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Was all he managed to mutter before his hand started to stroke Laenerys head in comfort.

Laenerys hands were wrapped around his waist and Cregans arms held her waist and lower back.

"H-he tried-" Laenerys tried to speak through her sobs but was failing as her breath quickened by the moment but stopped after Cregan squeezed her waist and the action reminded her that she wasn't alone anymore and that she would always have him.

"You don't have to talk about it right now." He said as he kissed the crown of her head. "But it's not your fault Laenerys."

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