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Valkyrie awoke with a horrible headache. She reminded herself of what had happened the previous night, she tried to hold back the tears but she wasn't strong enough. She cried for a bit before Taniths arms wrapped around her and held her close, so she returned the hug as Tanith said "I made you some breakfast if you want any. " Valkyrie lifted her head and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and replied "Thanks, Tan I will be there in a minute" with the best smile she could get her tear stained face to make. Tanith walked back into the kitchen and Valkyrie went up to her room to get changed, she put on some black pants and her black tank top on and made her way back down. Tanith had made a full English breakfast for Val, which she was grateful for. She sat down and ate her breakfast, while she tried so hard not to gag at what was supposed to be a sausage, "Hey Tan, did you make these" as she poked her sausage with her fork "Yeah! But I didn't actually know how to make them, so I just put a bit of everything in the mixture." Tanith said with a smile, Val just gagged as she thought about all the things that could possible be in her mouth.

When she finished her breakfast, she went in to the front room and sat down. She put on 'Finding Nemo' and Tanith came in and sat next to her. They were half way through the movie when there was a knock at the door, "Ill get it." Val said and jogged over to the door. She opened it and there stood Billy-Ray Sanguine with his razor in his hand. He had a smile printed on his face and said "Hello, lil darlin', we have a lil un finished business to attend to!" before Valkyrie could react He grabbed her shirt and pulled her to him "TANITH HELP!" she yelled just as they sunk into the ground.

Taniths POV

We were half way through Finding Nemo when there was a knock at the door. Val jumped up and said "Ill get it". She jogged to the door while I continued to watch the movie. A few seconds later I heard Val yell "TANITH HELP" so I jumped up and grabbed my sword of the table and sprinted  to the door just in time to see Billy-Ray Sanguine sinking into the ground holding Val with his razor against his throat. I new I couldn't go after them so I ran down the hall and speed dialled Ghastly whiles frantically trying to pull my boots on, a few rings later he answered "Tanith, im in the middle of a mee-"

"VALS BEEN TAKEN BY BILLY RAY GET OVER HERE NOW" I yelled, the phone went dead and I knew Ghastly was coming. I thought about calling Skulduggery but I thought 'he wouldn't care anyway' so I just waited for Ghastly to get here.

Ghastly's POV

I was in the middle of a meeting with Ravel, Saracen, Dex and Anton when my phone rang. I hesitated a bit before answering "Tanith, im in the middle of a mee-"

"VALS BEEN TAKEN BY BILLY RAY GET OVER HERE NOW" my face went red with anger and I ended the call, I ripped my robes of and said to everyone "Val's been taken were going to her house now!", with that everyone jumped out of there seats and we all sprinted to my van. We all though of Val as family so it was our priority to protect her. We raced down to Val's house. When we got there the Bentley was parked in the garage 'Good Skulduggery's here' I thought. We jumped out the van and barged through the door where Tanith was pacing down the hall, "Where's Skul" I asked looking for him "He's not here" Tanith said still pacing "But.. his Bentley is parked in the garage outside"

Tanith looked at him and ran out the door, so I followed. We got to the Bentley and Tanith ripped open the door where she saw Skulduggery and Scarlett cuddled up together in the backseat, with her hair all messy and her makeup smudged. I didn't want to think about what happened last night. Tanith grabbed Skulduggery and yanked him out of the car. Skulduggery awoke and said "Whats going o-" but he was cut short when Tanith slapped him across the skull and yelled "HOW COULD YOU LET HER GET TAKEN YOU IDIOT, YOU USED TO CARE SO MUCH FOR HER"

"OH MY GODS WHERE IS SCARLETT" Tanith slapped him again and said "VAL! NOT SCARLETT!"

"Oh good, so Scarlett's ok then" now it was my turn to hit him, so I did, as hard as I could across his head. His jaw bone flew of. So Skulduggery scurried of the ground and went to get his jaw. He found it and clicked it back into place "OUCH" he yelled and I said "HOW COULD YOU NOT CARE"

"Ghastly calm down she'll be fine, she's strong, don't worry about her." I looked at him with rage clear on my face, so I hit him across the skull again and said "HOW DARE YOU NOT CARE ABOUT VAL! SHES IN THE HANDS OF ONE OF THE MOST DANGEROUS CRIMINALS OUT THERE!"

"Jeeze Ghastly calm down"

"CALM DOWN! YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO TE-" but I was cut short by Skulduggery getting up and hoping into his Bentley and saying "Now if you'll excuse me have a case to attend to" with that he revved the engine and sped of. By now mine and Taniths face were red with anger. But we didn't have time to be mad now, we needed to save Val, before it was too late!

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