002|The Choirs catastrophe

Start from the beginning

We all ended up talking in Y/n's kitchen after making a big mess making cookies

"Let's watch a movie!" Y/n suggested after taking out the cookies

"What should we watch?" I asked agreeing with her

"Something Scary!" Mischa said

"No no, romantic" Constance said shutting up Mischa

"No, let's watch an old movie," Ocean said after thinking

"Guys and Dolls?" Y/n suggested going with an old, romance

"Yes!" I said grabbing a drink out of her fridge

We all ended up agreeing on that while Y/n went to get her copy of it

Y/n's Phone started ringing

"Y/n!!!" I said screaming at her

She ran down the stairs and quickly answered her phone

"Hallo Mami! (Hi mom!)" She chirped

I distantly heard a response of hello

"Have you made it to Cuba?" She said smiling

I couldn't hear the response because her mom talked to fast

"Oh. Well, I wish I could be there with you. I know greek!" She said slightly frowning

There was another response

"Mom, I never said that?" She replied confused

Her mom responded quicker and louder

"Maman je ne vais pas faire ça parce que tu veux que je le fasse(Mom im not going to do that because you want me to)" Y/n said in french

Her mom replied loudly in German

(Little suicide thing)

"Mutter! Listen to me. I know you don't care about me and so be it but I'm not going to do something you want me to do for your goddamn ego please shut the fuck up and listen to what I want for once in your goddamn life! I fucking wish I would have died a long time ago!" She said loudly after hanging up her phone and tossing it on her table, clearly pissed off.

(little suicide thing over)

"Y/n.-" I started

"No noel. I don't want to yell at you. Give me a bit" She said carefully her eyes flooding with tears

I nodded,

we watched guys and dolls and no one ever mentioned what she said.


 (Y/n's point of view) Next day at the #carnival

We all walked into the carnival.

Noel spun around with Mischa excitedly

After a while noel was blushing like crazy I thought I saw a little blush on Mischa.

It made me smile watching them having fun.

Ocean held Constance's hand while Constance was like a little kid pointing at everything grinning.

Ricky was looking at the roller coasters

And Penny was a little confused,

"Pen.?" I said looking at her

"Hm," she said flustered

"What are you most excited about?" I said excitedly

"I'm not sure... I've never been here" She said looking down

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