Suzie, Do You Copy?

Start from the beginning

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!"

"if you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocked.

"Just please stop talking, dude." Mike pushed Lucas into the mall.

"Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas made kissy noises.

"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas teased causing Will and Liv to smile.

"Lucas, stop." Max ordered.

"Will and Liv think its funny." Lucas said.

"Because it is." Liv smiled earning a slap on the arm from Max.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike threw his arms up for dramatic effect.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Liv put her arm around Max's shoulders.

The group made their way down the escalators, pushing through people to get to the theatre on time.

"Hey!" A girl said.

"Excuse us! Sorry! Sorry!" Mike quickly apologized.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry." Max said.

As they exited the escalator Liv bumped into a girl from their school.

"Hey! Watch it!" The girl waved Liv away.

"I'm sorry!" Liv apologized.

"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica, Lucas' little sister, said.

"isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked.

"Isn't it time you died?" Erica insulted which made her little group of friends laugh.



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas ran out of comebacks so instead he just blew a raspberry at her.

"Oh, now that was mature." Max scolded as the group walked into Scoops Ahoy.

They walked up to the counter and Mike moved out of the way so that Liv could get to the front and talk to her brother. Liv repeatedly rung the bell, trying to get Steve's attention.

"Hey, dingus, your sister and children are here." Robin called to the back.

Steve opened the sliding window and glared at his sister. "Again? Seriously, Livie?"

Liv cringed at the nickname. Steve hasn't called her that since the first grade. Max stifled a laugh as Liv rang the bell once more. Steve rolled his eyes and let them all in.


Liv turned around and Robin handed her a bag full of snacks and drinks.

"Thanks, Robin." Liv smiled as she handed the bag to Liv.

"Anytime, Liv." Robin said as the teens entered the back hallway.

"Come on, come on." Steve rushed them. "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" The teens yelled back.

Mike opened the door to the movie theatre and checked to see if the coast was clear. Once it was they all left the hallway and entered the theatre to watch Day Of The Dead. There weren't enough seats for all of them to sit together so Lucas, Mike, and Will sat in a row and Max and Liv sat in the row in front of them.

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