Agni entered a tent, where a woman was sitting in. She had blonde her and black eyes, she was his wife and Free's beloved mother. "Agni, I heard there were people from outside who came too close to the island?" Abelia had a boy on her lap. "Yes..." "Were you able to drive them away" "One of them, yes...The second one is trapped..." "Are you all right?" " Free" Abelia was startled. "Free? Our Free?" "Free?" Abelia announce the boy. "Are you going out to play. Mom and Dad have to talk about something" "Hmm...yes" The boy got up and left the tent. "Are you sure it's Free?" "Yes..." "Why is he here?" "I don't know" "And you really want to kill your own son?" "He's not our son anymore, Abelia. He left the island even when he knew he wasn't allowed to. You have to accept that he's like everyone else from the outside, even if our blood flows in him" "You have no mercy on him?" "If I don't do it, our family could no longer be trusted and who knows what will happen to Fen. His future is more important than Free's" "I understand that" "Then that's settled. Free will die "

Free sat in the cell with his eyes closed and only thought about Lui. All of this should never have happened like this... Why had he let Lui persuade him at all? He should have listened to his gut and Fafnir...

"Are you Free?" It was a child's voice... A boy. "And if so... what do you care who I am?" "Mama used to talk about big brother Free. She said Fen will see big brother Free one day and he will show Fen the world." Free opened his eyes and could see the boy across from him. He had blond hair and black eyes... He looked so much like his mother... Just like himself... Just missing the red streak. "Are you big brother Free?" The older one didn't know what to say. He was just replaced like that? Just like he never existed? "And even if it's me, I don't care about you! Go back to your parents...They never really loved me...My family would never do that to me if they really cared about me!" "But mama said big brother Free is great and Fen heard mama say she misses Free...mama loves Free and Fen loves big brother Free too" "But I'm not your big brother..." "You not big brother Free?" "No, now leave me alone." Free saw Fen running away and lowered his eyes again. He didn't know how to deal with it...He had a little brother...He really looked like a clone of him, like he had actually been replaced... Was he really that unimportant to his family?

"Lui...You have to eat something..."

Lui lay on Luinor's back. He had been crying non-stop since they left the island...Now his tears had dried...He was sobbing...


Luinor tried to motivate his human somehow but without success.

" is important"

"Free's important too...And if Free isn't there anymore...I don't want to be there anymore either..."

"But that's not a solution"

"What else am I supposed to do now that Free is gone...If he dies...I can die too...Then there's no reason for me to live..."

"I won't let you hurt yourself"

"Then I'll do it so you can't stop me"

"Lui, Free will not die and neither will you"

"And you know that because you can see into the future?"

Luinor didn't answer.

"I knew it..."

"You don't usually give up that easily"

Connected Souls {Free x Lui}Where stories live. Discover now