But It was never like they were so much in love that they won't be able to live without each other.

Like he'd never seen her showing that much love to him.

But her leaving everything all of a sudden shocked him a lot.

But he thought of giving her space and time and decided not to interfere in her life anymore and chose to focus on his own career.

Abhimanyu got out from his car entering the Birla Mansion holding the YOUNGEST ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR award.

He's so happy. He's on cloud nine right now.

And he can't wait to share this news with his family.

His Mom and his sister.

His father has died last year because of a deadly accident.

"Maaaaaa....." - He ran to the kitchen as only there he'd find his mom right now.

He saw her mom cooking food and as well as he entered the kitchen, he hugged his mom tightly with excitement.

"are Kya hua. aj itna excitement kyu???" - his mom, Manjiri asked him while chuckling

"guess what??" - He asked.

"What?" - his mom asked him back.

"I've got it. Ive got the award ma." - Abhimanyu said excitedly.

Manjiri gasped hearing the news of her son getting the award titled "Youngest Entrepreneur of the Year"

"Sachi?" - She whispered still couldn't believe it.

Abhimanyu assured her with a nod and she then fed him sweets and asked him what he wants as a gift.

He said he don't want any gift now and he'll ask for it when he needs it.

He informed his mom and he'd leave for England Tonight to attend a conference and to meet some foreign clients.

His mother agreed and gave him blessing and he left for England.

It took approximately 10hours to reach England from Mumbai.

As soon as he landed, there a car was waiting for him to pick him up.

He got into the car and left for the hotel.

As soon as he entered his hotel room, he informed his mom about his safe journey and thought to take a cold shower. No matter how much cold it is, he never showers in hot water. It should be always cold.

After getting freshen up, he got dressed up and left for the meeting, an unofficial meeting with those foreign client to get to know them better.

He got into the car provided from the hotel and start his ride to his destination.

"Cafe comfy"

It was hardly 10minutes distance from his hotel by car to reach the cafe.

As soon as he entered the cafe, the sight in front him caused him to froze at his place.


Akshara Goenka.

His ex girlfriend.

Who left everything back at Mumbai after their break up and came Here without informing anyone.

At that moment, everything went blank in front of him, only what he wants to do at that moment is to scold her for leaving everything like that.

But it's not his right anymore. Is it  ?? After what he did to her. After how he left her and broke their relationship.

And he knew he could find her but he just didn't. He gave the excuse that he wants to gave her time and space.

But the next sight leave him shock and his world started spinning and at any moment, he'd faint.

Her bump.

Her big baby bump.

She's pregnant.

Pregnant. Akshara is pregnant. This sight of akshara holding her baby bump and working as a waitress in that cafe left Abhimanyu speechless and shocked as well.

"Aksh..... what....  pregnant???" - He whispered to himself still can't process what he's just seen in front of his eyes.

The hustle and bustle around the cafe broke his chain of thoughts when he saw her going from one table to another taking orders.

She's working here as a waitress.

He left the place as soon as possible as the sight and the possibility of what he's thinking right now is choking him.

He's feeling someone stabbed a knife on his chest and now it's paining and blood is flowing from his chest.

"What...if.. I... am .. the fa....." - He asked to himself.

He knows very well may be he didn't see much love in aksharas eyes but she can never cheat him with someone else.

And they got intimate many times which can say that the baby who's growing inside her belly is his and that day she was the HAPPIEST as she might have got the news of her pregnancy and came to tell him about it with happiness. But he, he ruined everything.

And now, he's filled with guilt.

Guilt of not listening to her that day.

Guilt of breaking up with her that day.

Guilt of leaving her like that.

Guilt of letting her go.

Guilt of not trying to find out even if he had the chance and way.

Guilt of leaving his..... his baby.


In between all this, he didn't notice that it's baby.

His baby.

His and akshara's symbol of intimacy.

A part of him and a part of her.

Their baby. Their own blood.

"No no no.... yeh mein.... how .... I should've listened to her that day. Listened to what she was going to say. But I... I just said my words and left and she accepted everything what I said and left her everything and came Here and working??? She's carrying my baby. Our baby. And I...."

He fell down on his knees on the footpath and started crying.

And that moment, he'd decided that he'd get her back. Win her back. They'd spend the whole life together from now on with their baby.

They'd live like happily ever after.

But what if she denies??

What if she don't forgive him.

But at the same time, he's also realised her love for him. No one can do this if there's no love. She loves him. And she'll forgive him. And he promised to himself to love her back. To fell in love with her. To witness their baby's childhood together.

It'd be the best feeling in the world.

He decided to confront her at this moment.

He re-entered the cafe and searched for Akshara but she's nowhere to be seen.

Where's she ???

Did she left again??

No no.. she can't. Not again.

He won't let her leave again. Not this time.


So here's the first chapter!!!

Lemme know how's it !!!

And don't forget to vote.

WINNING HER BACK Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora