Chapter 4: Bloody Mary

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When I regained consciousness, the very first thing I felt was pain. That pain, in the back of my head, which was still as strong as when I had first felt it. I opened my eyes with difficulty and discomfort, and when I did so, I instantly noticed I was no longer at the Ambassador Hotel. I was no longer with Crowley, either. In fact, I was all alone. I forced myself to open my eyes more, even though it hurt me, and my blurry vision eventually came to stabilize: once it did, I looked around me and at my surroundings, and my first interrogation was obviously to wonder where exactly I was. The room was very dimly lit and seemed to be quite old, almost as if the place had long been abandoned. It was dark, but lit enough for me to see it was empty, not furnished in any way, aside from the sole decoration present: myself. But I knew well it was not: I looked down at the ground beneath me and although the concrete floor was dusty, clear footprints were visible here and there, trailing a path from where I was to deeper into the room.

Only then, by looking down at the ground did I realize my feet were not touching the floor: I swiftly looked up at the ceiling and saw my arms were hanging above my head, with my wrists tied together in a knot with a rope attached to a beam high above my head. I started to move my arms with all my strength, in hopes of loosening the knot, weakening the rope, or even breaking the beam, but to no avail. I exhaled a shaky sigh as I let my head drop.

Just as I closed my eyes, I suddenly heard the sound of metal slowly creaking, which I then understood to belong to a door opening when I heard it close a few seconds later; I opened my eyes back and looked in front of me, only to see multiple pairs of footsteps emerge from the shadows and walk toward me. I looked at the group of men standing in front of me, I looked at their faces, one by one, and instantly recognized them all: no doubt, these were the men who had broken down the front door of Crowley's penthouse suite back at the hotel. The men who had kidnapped me and dragged me all the way into this dank shack.

I stared down at them, right in the eyes, and it made my blood run cold to see that none of them expressed emotions of any kind. The only one of them who did let his emotions show was the one standing the closest to me, and who, by his aura alone, I assumed to be the leader at the head of the group; a twisted smile was shaping his lips in a way that made my skin crawl.

"Would you look at that, the little worm has finally awoken..." He spoke in a voice that sounded as wicked as he looked.

The man took a step forward and looked up at me while he tilted his head.

"D'you sleep well?"

He stared into my eyes intensely, and although my mind was overflowing with questions, I could not bring myself to talk and ask him any of them: I was paralyzed by fear, by his gaze, and did not dare speak. After he understood I would not answer him, he shook his head while he took a step backward.

"You're not much of a talker, eh? Well, it doesn't matter. We didn't capture you to make conversation."

Seeing him begin to walk away from me, all the questions stored in my brain grew louder, and in fear of not being given the opportunity to ask any of them, I felt a sudden rush of bravery flow through me.

"Who the fuck are you guys?" I asked loudly. "And why did you capture me? What do you want from me?"

Upon hearing my questions, the man stopped walking and scoffed with his back turned to me: when he turned back around to face me, the same twisted smile was still visible.

"Who are we?" He repeated with a very slight hint of curiosity. "Now that's an odd question coming from you. I would've expected your precious little boyfriend to have told you aaaall about us already."

I listened to him replying to my question ominously, but instead of finding answers, I found myself even more at a loss and felt confused, not understanding what he was talking about.

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