Final Shoots. - Act 10.

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A loud crash snapped Diana out of her fantasies. "PAM" This time the sound of her made her scream. "Someone wants to come in." Fear began to seize her when she heard that her mother and her sister were in the dining room, right in front of the apartment door.

"You're a donkey, HIT HIM HARDER." She complained about a command with her partner. In response, he hit the doorknob with all his might and the door finally gave way. Immediately, he put her on his shoulder and together with the rest of the team they entered pointing their weapons at her. "No one move. C.A.T.I" Shouted one. "Your hands where I can see them." The screams made the occupants of the house startle, who, in an attempt to get out of it, had the bad idea of ​​pointing a gun at them. "Imbe..." she thought the command before pulling the trigger and causing a deafening noise that stunned the rest of the occupants. The bullet from the tactical submachine gun buried itself in the skull and the henchman fell dead to the ground. "EVERYBODY TO THE FLOOR." She yelled another of the commandos again before, with a kick to the head, knocking down one of the occupants of the house, a man in a suit and elegant appearance.

The rest of the criminals paid attention and fell to the ground with their hands on their heads, a part of the command remained handcuffing them while another searched the house in that seedy suburb. More shots were heard, alerting the group. "What's going on upstairs?" A long silence kept them silent until a voice answered. "CLEAR, 02" The group descended with an injured comrade. "What happened, 05" 05 passed the injured man so that the team doctor could help him. "Cleared up, we found two fools. One was covering the door while another was trying to delete something from a computer." I nod at the wounded man. "Despondent." He showed a hard drive inside an evidence bag. "We got this back, there must be more." He handed it to 02 who watched it carefully. "The kind of horrors that should be kept here." He spoke sternly. "You pieces of dung are going to know hell." He insulted them with contempt. "The damned girl, is she the one that was shot down?" he asked expectantly. "Negative. They were almost pubertal, no more than 20 years old, but if they have a weapon..." "I know, they are a target. It will fall sooner or later."


The door to the apartment was flung open, throwing pieces of the handle across the room. A man dressed in black walked in holding a gun. Diana's mother opened her jaw in horror to let out a horrified scream, but a .45 caliber bullet pierced her throat, cutting off her communication and filling everything with blood. Wasting no time she shot Melisa in the chest, the force of the caliber in the young woman's body knocking her towards the nearby wall where moments before, she was covered in a red splatter.

The intruder did not check the bodies, he knew they were dead, he did not close the door either, he took a look in the apartment, to the left, the kitchen was visible, in front, the dilapidated dining room, to the right, a corridor with doors. He walked cautiously, aiming his gun the whole time until he reached the first door. Slowly but carefully, he checked the handle, discovering that it was open. He opened it with a blow, it was a bedroom, light blue walls with hearts. Posters of very popular bands among young women, for a second his attention was drawn to a guitar that rested next to a couple of awards for "Best School Show" and a couple of photos, one of them was of Melisa with a couple of smiling girls and the other with his family. You could tell that they were having a good time and that they were happy. None of that could move the intruder, he had a mission and he would fulfill it.

The next door opened suddenly, the girl inside it fired a handgun at the intruder, the bullet embedded in her shoulder, but instantly she reacted and fired back. An accurate shot into the hand with the gun, the lead bullet crushing fingers and knuckles, mutilating the hand. The next second, hideous screams and groans of pain filled the place. Disconcerting and disturbing, the screams continued as the intruder got up and approached the room, the gun was on the floor in the entryway, next to it were pieces of what appeared to be fingers. He saw her there, Daniela.

Daniela, who was holding her injured hand, began to yell at her the worst insults she knew. "It doesn't matter what you tell me anymore, you no longer have power over me" that boy spoke. "What are you talking about..." Daniela yelled back. "Don' don't remember me?" He looked a bit strange, as if he was disappointed that his victim didn't know who he was, as if it was important that he knew. "I've never seen you in my life..." Daniela continued, the intruder gritted his teeth. "5 years ago, some guys kidnapped me, they... they dressed me up to look like a girl, so you, you were there, you took all kinds of photos... even when I was naked with those realistic prosthetics." If he was already angry, now it was worse. "I don't know who *** you are" Daniela was telling the truth, she spent years taking pictures in that modus operandi, hundreds of faces, all kinds of people. It was impossible for her to remember. "You do not know? DON'T YOU HAVE A HEART? She yelled annoyed. "You destroyed my life and you do NOT know who I am, so I will refresh your memory." The boy, without stopping pointing at him, took out a sheet with a printed image, it was difficult for him due to the wound on his shoulder.

There was a girl, she seemed scared, she was wearing a tight cream-colored over-all, a light blue cardigan sweater, bunny-design pantyhose and blue-light blue tennis shoes. Diana remembered that day, she had done several sessions before, so this time, she was used to it, she knew it was a dirty job, but a highly paid job. The memories of what that session was like filled her with fear, many bad things happened that time, as in so many other sessions, with so many other transvestite boys. "I... I'm sorry..." "NO, YOU'RE NOT SORRY" the boy yelled.

She kept showing the image and pointing at him. "You feel your dirty hand destroyed, the same one with which you destroyed hundreds of other lives, those photos that you took, you took their lives, you do NOT feel that pain." He cried out as tears fell down his cheeks.

"FREEZ, DROP THE GUN." A man in a blue jacket and jeans appeared at the door, he was targeting the intruder. Daniela, upon hearing the officer, yelled for help. "Help, he wants to kill me, he wants to kill me" he yelled with all her might. The officer repeated the order, but the intruder did not listen. With a closer look, the policeman recognized the young man. "Uh, Alan? Alan, drop the gun." At that moment, Alan also recognized the policeman, he was the one who usually patrolled the sector of the fair and the mechanics. "Alan, drop the gun." He ordered again. Alan took a deep breath while he still heard Daniela scream. "I'm already dead, Officer Stephen." he exclaimed. "They took my life that day, now I will take theirs."

Alan pulled the trigger, the gun went off causing a louder noise than the rest, the entire building heard it. The bullet pierced Diana's right eye, a serious wound, but small compared to the exit hole, which was the size of an orange. Blood, bones and brains stained his nightstand, where family photos were. Among them, a photo of her, her mother and her sister, all together, was taken the same day they moved into this apartment, it was Daniela's home, giving that home a better life, was the justification that kept her in that business, the justification that seared his conscience. Now, there was nothing left.

Alan sighed one last time and closed his eyes. In those seconds, between the time he heard Officer Stephen fire his gun, he was able to remember when he was a child and his father, using the same gun he now wielded, saved him from an intruder. That time his father told him. "Dad is here, don't cry, no one will hurt you." He also remembered when his father discovered those photos, how he went crazy, embarrassed and disgusted at his own son. "Get out of my house, I don't want to see you again..." was the last thing I heard from him. Through tears he could see the mess he had left. He wasn't satisfied, he was still emotionally wrecked, nothing would have brought him back to life. Getting revenge, I hope it made him happy, but now, he expected the end of it.

A bullet hit his torso and another two hit his head, from one second to the next, Alan saw black and had left this world. The silence reigned again.


Written and Directed by "Gale Kepler"

Distributed by "Irene Siguachi"

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