"You're not pleased with the idea of either of them marrying me, are you?" Visaera asked bluntly.

"No. I must admit, I am not." Apparently, Visaera had less control over her expression than she thought because the Queen was reaching for her hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze. "I mean no offense, dear, you seem lovely, but—"

"But you and my mother and father hate each other," she finished. The Queen had the decency to seem embarrassed, but she did not disagree with the statement.

"I should let you settle in and change for supper. I'm sure you're quite exhausted from your trip." Without another word, the Queen left her alone. Visaera felt like her head was spinning. While Aegon's interest hadn't necessarily taken her by surprise, Aemond's had. He had never even spoken more than two sentences to her at a time, let alone... She scrubbed her face and then began to pick at the dry pieces of skin around her cuticles.

Nervous could not even do justice to how Visaera was feeling as she walked through the corridors with Ser Jaunton at her side. He seemed a pleasant enough man, for the fact that she had only met him minutes before. Supper was set in one of the smaller halls that evening, giving the room a sense of intimacy and warmth Visaera had never experienced while dining with the Queen's side of the family. As the princess stepped into the room, the conversation ceased.

"Seven fucking hells..." Aegon breathed out, astonishment written across his face. Despite the resentment that lingered from their last encounter, Visaera flushed under his gaze, hating the way her gut twisted when her eyes finally met his.

It was as if the last six years had never happened. The world around her blurred and all she could see was Aegon across the room, staring at her in surprise. It took all her power to ignore the instinct to throw herself into his arms.  Helaena wore a similar look of shock and Visaera realized Alicent must not have informed them of her visit. Aemond merely stared at her, an unreadable expression on his face.

"Visaera, there you are, dear," Alicent greeted, effectively breaking the tension in the air. "Come, sit." The Queen's gaze lingered on her, sharp with disapproval, making Visaera second guess her dress choice for the evening. She hadn't thought the satin gown very revealing; her mother had certainly never said anything to the effect, but now she was staring down at the long line of skin visible between her breasts and down her abdomen, only covered by crisscrossing laces. While Aemond's expression gave away nothing, she could feel his eye following her as she crossed the room and sat beside Helaena.

"You look lovely, Helaena," she whispered as she took her seat, "I've missed you." Visaera took hold of her hand for a moment, grateful she didn't bat it away, at her aunt often did to everyone else.

When Alicent bowed her head and closed her eyes to pray, Visaera watched with surprise and intrigue. Helaena and Aemond followed suit and, while he did tilt his head forward, Aegon continued to stare at her from the other end of the table.

Visaera took a sip of her wine and glanced around the room, resuming her fidgeting under the table. Nobody spoke and, despite supper only just beginning, the room grew uncomfortable.

Her nerves were getting the better of her and she could feel the nape of her neck growing damp with sweat. Please, someone, say something...

"I saw you training today..." she finally offered, meeting Aemond's gaze. A smirk finally spread across his face.

"Yes, I saw you with father..." Visaera hummed her acknowledgment.

"Have you ever thought about training with someone else?" Ser Criston, who had remained standing guard by the door, snorted.

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