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Wonder – Shawn Mendes

Penelope Featherington and Eloise Bridgerton had been best friends since they were four, they were inseparable. So much so that Penelope had earned her place on the annual Bridgerton family holiday. Penelope had been on quite a few with the Bridgerton family now and it had become quite the tradition. It was a large affair as you could imagine. Eloise was one of eight children no less. There was Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. Therefore, organising a holiday took the best part of the year anyway. This year the holiday was taking place in Barbados. She'd had the privilege of going to some magnificent places because of this family and she is eternally grateful. She had certainly felt more loved by this family than her own. She had a rocky relationship with her family, her mother in particular was the reasons for many of the problems she had to face. Her mother never really liked Penelope. Much more focus went on her other sisters, which was the start of a lifetime of self-loathing for Penelope. Therefore, having such a caring family with Eloise really was the saviour of her childhood. Things were unfortunately starting to change for the pair. Eloise had been with her boyfriend Phillip for almost a year now and she was slowly losing her best friend. Penelope would be lying if she said she wasn't jealous. The two girls were twenty-four and Penelope was acutely aware that she was more alone than ever. She'd had relationships in the past, however they always fizzled out very quickly. Therefore, seeing her best friend become so besotted with her other half, just reminded Penelope of what she'd never had.

Eloise and Penelope were out shopping for the last-minute bits for their holiday next week, however Penelope could tell something was on Eloise's mind.

"Are you okay El, you seem distracted?" Penelope quizzed.

"Actually, there is something I need to tell you and I've been putting it off because I don't want you to get angry, but you know how Phillip and I have been going really strong recently and I really wanted him to come away with us, but he didn't think he would be able to get the time of work, and well now he has, so I said he can come!" Eloise spoke so quickly, probably in the hope Penelope would mishear her.

"But El! Who am I to share a room with, you know I can't stay by myself in another country, my anxiety would go through the roof, and I surely hope I'm not third wheeling with you two!" Penelope moaned, not that she wasn't happy that her best friend was moving forward in her relationship, however she was feeling increasingly left behind.

"I am going to ring Anthony now and see who is left with an empty room, there is enough bloody people on this holiday, I am positive there shall be one spare bed!" Eloise explained, apologetically. Penelope was about to speak up, but Eloise had made the call before she had the chance.

Penelope could only hear Eloise's side of the conversation, which only made her more anxious. Truthfully, she knew who the most likely candidate was. If this had happened any other year she would be certain Eloise's youngest sister Hyacinth would be her answer, however she was also bringing a close friend this year. This left only one Bridgerton, Colin. The third Bridgerton Brother, two years her elder. You may wonder why this was such an issue, they were both adults, Penelope being twenty-four and Colin twenty-six. They should be able to share no problem. However, the issue was this was the same Colin who she had been in love with since the age of thirteen. Truthfully, her heart fluttered at the thought of being in such close proximity to the person who captured her every thought. Hell, she might have even thought this was her chance to make a move, however she was not stupid. Colin Bridgerton was every definition of handsome. Truthfully, all the Bridgerton's were beautiful, the gene they carried from their parents was nothing short of expectational. However, there was something about Colin that made him so mesmerising. The cheeky grin he had every time they were talking, made it so hard for her to concentrate. Penelope unfortunately thought herself to be quite the opposite. She had been bullied viciously for her weight her entire life, and although she saw no problem with her size anymore, as she had worked so hard to love herself the way she was, the thoughts of her flaws were still impossible to ignore, her mother being no help with the matter. She was not going to think for one moment, she had a chance with someone like him. Although if she was ever going to try, now might be a good idea.

Eloise had been on hold with her brother Anthony, checking with Colin to see if he was okay with sharing a room with her no doubt. What if he said no, how embarrassing, however she wasn't sure if she'd prefer that option, rather than actually having to go through with this.

"Anthony, yes I am still here, Great! So, he's okay with that? Oh really? Right, anyway, that's great, could you switch the booking over then? Thank you so much!, Bye" Eloise was overjoyed, Penelope, not so much.

"Great news, Colin was the only one who was on his own and he was more than happy to have a roommate, according to Anthony he seemed rather excited of the prospect, so keep an eye on that" Eloise giggled, "Is that okay? I am so sorry" Eloise expressed.

"Of course, I sure Colin and I will be fine" Penelope reassured her best friend. Inside Penelope was dying, was he truly excited to share a room with her, I mean they were best friends sure, however surely he would've preferred his own space. He had always had his own room.

Colin was the only other person she would consider on the same level as Eloise. The two had become increasingly close over the years. They both did the same degree at university, so Colin became a great help when Penelope was in her final year. Truthfully she had spent more time with Colin that year than Eloise. The pair had become so close that year, even his family were suspicious that something more had happened between us. However, Colin, as soul destroying as ever, made it abundantly clear that there were to be nothing between us when he introduced us all to his new girlfriend Marina, right after Penelope's final exams. She was the definition of perfect, and everything she could imagine Colin being with. She was tiny, her skin was perfectly clear, and her hair so delicately groomed. However, she was an awful person. She had put a huge dent in her and Colin's friendship. They had gone months without even a text. It had hurt Penelope greatly; however, it was the first step to finally getting over Colin. Although she had never really gone past stage one. however it was a start. The pair broke up just over a year ago, she had cheated on him no less. How someone could be so cruel was beyond Penelope. Their friendship had slowly gotten back to normal; they weren't as close as they once were, but they would laugh and joke. How would she fair being in his company for two weeks. Penelope was very intrigued to see if they had truly mended their friendship, this was one way to test it out I suppose. She knew one thing was for certain, she could not let her heart get broken by this man, because if she did, she didn't think she'd ever recover.

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