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Amu: *yawn*

I throw my arms up high and stretch it

Ran: "Amu-chan~! It's so cool in here!"

Said Ran inhaling the air and then exhaling it

Miki: "perfect view. I'll draw this one!"

Miki get her drawing pad and pencil, sat down on the grass and started to draw

Su: "Look! There's a squirrel~"

Su went to the tree and play with the squirrel.

Dia: *poink poink*

Dia's egg is moving inside my bag..

Amu: "heh, all of you are enjoying this park too much!"

Ran: "Amu-chan, you're enjoying this park too, right?"

Amu: "n-not that much!"

Ran sighed heavily

Ran: "here comes you're obstinate chara. again"

Amu: "Ran!"

Ran: "Hahaha! Catch me catch me!"

Miki: "hey! Don't block the view!"

While I'm chasing Ran. I didn't notice that I'm smiling

We're here because summer will end soon. So I decided to have a visit here at the park with them. Lucky, there's not much people in here

Ran: "Amu-chan! Catch me! Hahahaha"

Ran suddenly gave her full speed and then dusts got into my eyes

Amu: "ugh.."

I stopped and blink twice. When I'm already ok..

Amu: "huh? R-Ran?"

She disappeared. I can't even feel her presence!

Amu: "aah.. Where did she go?"

After a while. I realized that-

Amu: "I-I-I'm in the forest!?"

We came here all the way? Uh oh..

Amu: "R-Ran! Ran!"

It's scary in here.. I called out Ran's name so if ever she could hear me.

Amu: "geez.."


Amu: "eek!"

Calm down! It's just a twig.. Just a twig.. Just a-


Amu: "w-what's that?"

I slowly look up and saw a

Amu: "B-B-Beehive!"

I run as fast as I could.. But I'm still here in the forest

Amu: *si~gh*

What should I do now..?

Amu: *yawn*

I'll just wait for help..

*whish whish*

Suddenly I saw a tail, swaying from side to side

*whish whish*

And it's a small one!

Amu: "..."

I decided to check it out, so I slowly walk towards the swaying tail

Amu: "...!"


Amu: "Eeeh?!"




Ran: "where could she be?"

A moment ago, she's chasing me and then when I looked back, she's gone..

Ran: "Amu-chan.."

I got back to others and ask them if they saw Amu-chan but-

Miki: "nope, I thought you two were together?"

Said Miki, still drawing

Ran: "we were. But"

Su: "Mr. Squirrel said that, he didn't saw Amu-chan either"

Ran: "where could she be..?"

Miki: "you two were chasing at each other, right?"

I nodded

Su: "hm? Oh!"

Su is talking with the Squirrel.. And when they're done-

Su: "you two were chasing at each other inside the forest, no?"

Ran: "w-we were"

Miki: "wha-"

Su: "does that mean that Amu-chan.."

The three of us exchanged glances and then said in unison-

RanMikiSu: "Got lost?!"

Right after saying that..


We heard a scream inside the forest..

Ran: "ahh! Maybe it's Amu-chan!"

Miki: "let's go!"

Su: "let's go, Mr. Squirrel"

We search for Amu-chan, until we found some clues

Miki: "she stepped on this twig.. Right?"

Ran: "possible"

Su just nodded. Even the Squirrel

Ran: "let's continue!"

When we walked deeper. We heard a buzzing sound


Squirrel: "tsirp tsirp tsirp!"

Su: "A beehive!"

Ran: "let's run!"

Miki: "ok, 1.. 2.. 3.. Go!"

In Miki's count, we run as fast as we could

Su: *phew*

Miki: "what now?"

*hwoo hwoo*

The wind suddenly blew hard


And then we heard a voice from behind

Ran: "huh?"


Miki: "I..Ik..!"

What is he doing in here..?

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