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Having grown up in a small town in the middle of Ohio, I've grown quite fond of my large college town in Baton Rouge, right in the heart of the fabulous state of Louisiana. As much as I miss the quaint town of Athens, a nice change of scenery, and weather, has been great these past couple of years. From the countless parties, sleepless nights studying, and going to many sporting events, I am sad to see that I was about to enter in my final year. As far as future plans go when I am an alumni, I haven't got that far yet. I decided my career calling was in education. Making an impact on a young person's mind gives me passion. As to where I'd want to teach is still up in the air. I thought about possibly staying in Louisiana, but my heart is desiring a city. I still have a long time to think, but I know the deadline will close soon.

What I do know for sure is, once I finish this horrid online final exam, I will start packing to go home for a couple weeks to enjoy some time with my family before I needed to come back to work. I would normally go back home for the entirety of summer, but last summer, my best friend Tori convinced me that we should get our own off campus apartment together. I fell in love with the idea. Tori has been by my side since we met at our first dorm room freshman year. We instantly clicked, she is the definition of twin flame. She's had my back through heartbreaks, mental breakdowns, and late night food runs. She is what we call ride or die. I hit submit once I felt confident enough on my last final exam. I really enjoy this new online way of taking exams.

I pushed back from my desk, making my way to open my bedroom door into the living room. Tori laid splayed across the couch, grabbing a fist full of popcorn, devouring it while her show played on the TV. "You finish your junior year?" She mumbled, her mouth full, crunching while doing talking.

I nodded, as I jumped onto our couch next to her. "Thankfully done. I'm leaving tomorrow to go back home for a couple weeks. You gonna be okay here?" I asked. My hand found it's way to her bowl of popcorn, grabbing a handful myself. I pulled up a blanket to my chest and looked at the TV to see what she was binging. Some show called 'You'. It looks creepy, but whatever she likes, I won't complain.

"Oh no, what am I ever gonna do without my Birdie?" She fake wept, wiping her invisible tears out from under her eyes. "Yes of course, I'm just going to be so lonely here though." A smile crept on her face.

"I invited you, you know you're always welcome at the Wright's." I laughed to her. "We would have so much fun." I egged on. 

"Oh yeah, we can go on late night drives, and stroll around Menards for fun." She teased, making herself laugh. "At least we'd save big money." She continued, mocking the jingle.

I laid with Tori, as I actually got into her show, surprised on what Joe Goldberg was doing to Beck. Nightfall came, as I felt like I procrastinated enough. I got up from the comfort of the couch and made my way to my bedroom. I packed some of my essentials and outfits, noticing my phone buzz from my desk. I looked on the lock screen, seeing it was my mom. I slid across the screen to answer, holding the phone up to my cheek. "Hi mom." I answered gleefully.

"Hi my dear, I was just calling to make sure you're still coming tomorrow." She responded, as I heard my nephew babble in the background.

"Yup! I'm just packing right now." I told her, throwing some of my makeup in my suitcase.

"Great, I'm having your father drive out to Columbus to come get you from the airport tomorrow, Pres and Carolyn are out of town so I have Jonah here, I'm watching him for a few days." My mom responded, as Jonah let out a scream in the background. Preston is my older brother by three years. We had your typical brother/sister relationship growing up, where I was the annoying little sister, but he drastically changed once Carolyn came into his life his junior year of high school. Carolyn didn't stand for any animosity he threw towards me, she really whipped him into shape. Preston grew over protective, but much more enjoyable to hang out with, even when Carolyn wasn't there. She knew I would tell on him anyways. Carolyn has been the perfect sister in law. It was a nice balance with how many men we had in our family. I thought I would have always been the baby of the family, but one Christmas ten years ago, we had a surprise from our parents. We we're expecting our little brother Tanner. Being ten myself at the time, I hated the idea of being the middle child, but my mother never let Preston or myself feel like we weren't a priority. She is a gem.

"Oh yay! I'm so excited to meet Jonah! He sounds not happy right now, though." I chuckled over the speaker, rearranging some items in my suitcase. Jonah was born a few months ago in February. I decided with classes being in full swing, it was best to wait until the semester was over. Pres and Carolyn felt ready as soon as they tied the knot and wasted no time. I'm not complaining though, I know for sure that I make being an aunt a personality trait. He is one of the cutest babies I've ever seen.

"I'm trying to warm up his bottle, he's a fussy one. I always told Pres to treat me right, because what goes around comes around." She giggled to herself. "Harold! Can you pick him up please!" My mom pulled the phone away to yell at my father, who more than likely was watching football.

"Well, I can let you go, you sound busy" I chuckled, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry for the short call, normally I would argue but Jonah is not having it tonight. We're having a barbecue tomorrow night, and inviting some neighbors. I thought it would be good to do something fun for your first night home." She spoke, as I heard the microwave beep, signalling the hot water for his bottle was ready.

"Sounds like fun, mom. I'll see you tomorrow." I ended our conversation. I pulled my heavy suitcase off my bed, satisfied with what i've packed, and decided to call it night. I've got a long day of travel ahead of me in the morning, and I know I'm going to need plenty of rest. 

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