
Sapphire nods, sending her a small smile "I'm from the racing scene so cars are kinda my thing" She explained "It's probably the shut off solenoid. Let's see if we can get some power to it"

"What brings you to Miami?" The woman asked her as the blonde started to work on the car.

"The same thing that brings everyone else to Miami. Weather, nightlife, the beauty" Sapphire smiled "What brings you to Miami?"


"Must be casual friday" Sapphire joked.

"How's the wedding planning going, Sapphire?" The woman asked as she leant against her car and took off her sunglasses "Hope your inviting your mother. You told Bri yet?"

Sapphire freezed "Cipher?" It was more like a question when she said it, she couldn't believe how different she looked "Y-your fuel relay is missing"

"I know" Cipher said, holding up the fuel relay and walking around her car to put it back.

"I love to play games, mother. Me and my team have beaten the best of them but I'm kind of in a rush, so if you've got something to say. . ."

"Oh, this is a very different game, that I can assure you. This? There is something much greater at work here. . .this is fate" She stated.

"I choose my own fate" Sapphire glared at her.

"Not today you don't. I put in a lot of work into getting you here today. You going to get your morning coffee for you and your fiancé. What is it, black, no sugar?"

"Now that I'm here, what do you want?" Sapphire asked.

"I want you to work for me. You know, a little mother and daughter time"

"I could've saved you a lot of time because you know as well as I do, your not my mother. And if you didn't know, I'm retired. I also don't work for no one but myself"

"You can't walk away from this Sapphire, we're going to have this conversation one way or the other. See, that's the funny thing about fate. .it's cunning. It can bring you beautiful things and it can also bring you moments like this. . ." She held out a phone and Sapphire grabbed it only to see a video of Elena and a little boy. Elena was pregnant?

"Your nephew's adorable isn't he? So you are going to work for me, you're gonna betray your brothers, abandon your code, shatter your family. You see, your team is about to go up against the only thing they can't handle"

"Yeah and what's that?" Sapphire asked her as she stared at the video.

"You. Oh and Sapphire, I wouldn't mention this to anyone" Cipher said before getting into her car and driving off.

"Hey babe, I'm back" Sapphire said, walking into her house with two steaming, hot coffees in her hand. She found Tej in the living room getting off a phone call and by the look on his face, she knew it couldn't be anything but good.

"Dom called, we got a job in Berlin" Tej smiled "Guess we'll have to postpone our wedding a bit longer"


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