Chapter 2

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Everyone was gone and I was all alone, I originally wanted to go to the tea house but I figured out why not break into the palace. I changed into my black robe and I carried my pocket knife just incase I needed to use it, there must be something big happening at the palace tonight if everyone went there.

I snuck out like a thief in the night and I ran on the rooftops to get to the palace quicker, I actually felt like the badass thing out here! I climbed over the palace wall and landed smoothly on my feet, I checked along the passage to see if there were any soldiers but there weren't any nevertheless I wasn't convinced how could a passage way be this quiet.

I decided to wait patiently and sure enough after about two minutes I saw guards walking by, I made my escape to the west wing of the palace and I landed up on the rooftop of the Internal Court where Master was sitting with Emperor.

Such a pity that a beautiful face like that belonged to the most cruel body! Master was sitting quietly with a silver mask on his face. "Fang Zhu, tell me why haven't I met your youngest disciple?" His Majesty questioned, he was smirking at Master. "I am afraid that he is still very young and trouble follows him wherever he is, as big as the palace is I am afraid he might insult somebody and be killed." I rolled my eyes. "He sounds interesting, are you sure you haven't brought him here because he is your favorite disciple?" Master placed his cup down. "I didn't know that you were so interested in my disciples." he said curtly.

His Majesty chuckled, instantaneously two guards entered. "Your Majesty." they greeted. "Is it ready?" he questioned. "Yes Your Majesty." a big pleasant smile was plastered on his face. "Shall we?" He said as he got up and Master followed behind him.

I followed slowly but Master suddenly stopped walking. "Come." he exclaimed in a cold curt voice, His Majesty gave him a funny look. "There's no one here, have you gone crazy from all the secret things you have been doing?" His Majesty teased. "Are you going to come out nicely or do I have to use force?" Master inquired softly, I jumped down from the roof and I landed swiftly on the ground.

The smile that was on the Emperor's face disappeared. "Who are you?" Master asked softly, thank heavens I was wearing a mask that was covering the entire head and face, my only dilemma right now is I want to make a run for it but Master will chase me! I was so close to the Emperor but not enough to kill him and knowing Master he will get in between us.

My hand started tingling again, Oh no! Not right now! Master pulled out his sword. "I am not here to fight well at least today, I wanted to see the face of my enemy." Magically my voice sounded different! It was much sweeter, airy and light! Maybe the Gods do want me to survive. "Oh and who exactly is your enemy?" The Emperor questioned. "For now it's just you but perhaps in the future, the one who has his sword pointed at me will  become my enemy as well." The Emperor laughed.

He grabbed Master's sword. "Telling from the way you are standing, you must be a girl and I assume you're a beautiful girl too so why don't you remove that Ma...." there was a loud bang and they forgot about me for a second and I made my escape.

Wheew! That would have been dire if Master caught me, I quickly returned home and I changed my clothes, I grabbed a jar of wine and I went to sit under the tree! My hatred for the Emperor was burning through my veins but somehow when I looked at his face I saw misery, it shined the most when he smiled and I perhaps for the first time I understand why Master is willing to do anything for him, I could see how much the Emperor was leaning on him.

However I wanted to know if the Emperor leaned on him so much, why doesn't he live in the Palace with him? Master always chooses silence to ever avoid any serious talks so asking him would be futile, I have been living my life as a man and I seem to forget that sometimes I am actually girl.

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