Chapter 2 - Let the madness begin

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Here we go with the big debut!!! woo!

I wasn't very nervous about making an open challenge. I was more worried about the crowds reaction to me. I knew a lot of people knew about me, I was wrestling with a well known British company for years, but if one of their heroes came to answer my challenge then they'd surely hate me. I stood in my locker in my wrestling gear.

I wore a tight red shirt with a cropped, tight leather waist coat. I had short leather shorts with red studs. I wore black knee high converse with red laces. i had black elbow and knee covers and a pair of small black gloves. I was in my locker room stretching when Kurt Angle walked in and said

"You ready?"

"Hell yeah" I replied.

"Good, look for your cue" He said grinning as he left. I went to the gorilla a few minutes later and watch Kurt on the screen. He had a mic in one hand and was in the ring addressing the fans.

"As everyone knows, tonight is open fight night. Now I'm not here to call anyone out, just make an announcement concerning the newest member of the TNA roster. As you know, the identity of this person I am keeping secret, but not or too much longer, as tonight they will make their impact wrestling debut" Said Kurt. 'beat down clan'

MVP, Kenny King, Homicide and low ki came down to the ring and naturally, MVP took a mic.

"Is that it?" He said.

"Yes" Kurt nodded.

"That was it?" Kurt nodded at MVP.

"Well if that's all it was, the BDC have some business to take care of. Now I'm sure there are plenty of people back-stage who want to get their hands on the BDC. So come out here is you got the balls." Said MVP cockily. I nodded at the sound guy as I stood at the gorilla. 'I will not bow, I will not break'

I strode confidently down the ramp with a smile on my face. I hi-fived fans on the way there and got in the ring and held a mic. My music shut off and before I could speak, MVP did.

"I'm sorry, we have no girls in the BDC, so just pop along backstage little girl and go find a knockout to fight with, this is a big boys game, you might get hurt" He said mockingly and the BDC could be heard in the background laughing. I raised an eyebrow and spoke, struggling to be heard over the 'Steph' chants erupting from the crowd.

"Well, well, well. Look who's landed in TNA!" I called out to the crowd and they cheered heartily.

"No one cares who you are" Said MVP. I glanced around at him.

"Looks like someone didn't get the memo" I chuckled to myself.

"Yeah, you. You didn't get the memo not to mess with the BDC." He said.

"Do you even have any idea who I might be?" I sighed.

"Not the foggiest" he said.

"What rock have you been living under?" I questioned.

"The rock of champions" He said, patting his newly won X-division championship.

"Well, seeing as you don't know who I am, I suppose I should introduce myself" I sighed again.

"Go ahead, enlighten us" He interrupted,

"For those of you who don't know, I am the now world renowned Steph Hardy. Th reason I am so famous, I made history. I am the worlds first ever female to wrestle at professional level in a male division" I chanted triumphantly.

"You are not, who did you face in a male division" said MVP.

"Well, I'm not yet, but I will be, very soon..."

"I laugh at your feeble attempt at getting noticed, don't go around claiming things you're not"

"Ha! Contradiction much, the reason I'm not is because it's happening tonight" The crowd roared with every word. "I, Steph Hardy, challenge you, MVP, to a one on one match for that X-division title of yours" I grinned.

"You want a match tonight? you want a shot at my - I mean - our title?" He said, i nodded "Well, girly, you're on" A ref came from the back and a worried looking Kurt Angle left the ring along with the rest of the BDC. I glanced around at the crowd who were going crazy. In the back rows I could see some WWE wrestlers, I glanced further and saw the authority

"psst, psst! hey! MVP!" I said quietly. He looked my way. "WWE's here. back rows, Authority in the far left" I saw him glance.

"Can you keep up?" He mouthed with a cocky grin.

"You know only too well" I muttered. He knew me as we crossed path's a few times on the average circuit so he knows, when I want, I can go. He can't have recognized me. I have changed a bit, just not got much taller... The bell rang and the match began.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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