Chapter 1 - Past Times, Same Thoughts

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(I still can't get it out of my head. The time when that machine activated, the time when the Storm was being pushed back, the time I met... him.)

As Y/N walks down the sandy area of Salty Towers, they begin to think about the same thought they've been having for about 10 months now, after the occurrence of the Device event. The time where they somehow got transported to a mysterious office during the event, eventually getting to meet a strange, blonde man in a suit.

(Just where exactly did that machine take me? I know it was some kind of office, but where, though? Was I in another reality? Did that thing take me to another reality? I mean, the thing that was powering the machine is able to do stuff like that, according to Midas, at least.)

(But then why did it bring me back several times? There had to have been a reason it kept bringing me back. Maybe... maybe they were just hallucinations? Were those just effects of the machine when it was pushing back the Storm?)

(...No. No, it felt too real. HE felt too real. The way his face looked so shocked, the way he looked me dead in the eyes as I just stood there. Oh, and that question... I swear, I couldn't forget what he quickly asked me even if I tried. "Can you- can you HEAR me?")

(Could I hear him? What does that even mean? Was I not supposed to hear him? Or see him? Was I even, like, not supposed to be there or something? Then why did I appear there in the first place, then? Did he... did he have something to do this? The place outside of the office did sound a bit frantic. I wonder...)

(Ugh, I don't even know anymore. I didn't even know what was going on anymore at the time! Everything was just happening so fast. I swear, what was Midas even thinking using tha-)

Y/N's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by strange sounds. Sounds coming from the Zero Point. It looked as if it was deteriorating. Quickly after the occurrence of the sounds, attached portals popped out of the it while causing creating many reality waves to occur. Seeing all of the chaos that has suddenly appeared, Y/N quickly ran to get a closer look at the Zero Point, concerned, yet curious with what's going on with it.

When they finally get close enough to it, they see many Loopers running amuck and fighting each other, but that's not the only thing they see. They then quickly spot 2 figures in the distance. An armored person in some sort of high-tech suit and the blonde man that's been on their mind for many months.

Suddenly realizing that it's him, Y/N quickly makes their way to them. Once finally getting a better look of the two, Y/N figured out that they were conversing in something, making some sort of deal. When the armored person finally realized the arrival of Y/N, he hands the man some sort of device, points out towards Y/N, and says to the man before flying off to the Zero Point.

"And get that Looper ready. We don't have time."

"Looper?" Questions the man before turning around to see Y/N.

"It... it really is you. The man from the office!" Exclaims Y/N, realizing that it was the man they were thinking about.

"It's... you again?" Asks the man, suddenly recognizing Y/N.

To be continued in Chapter 2.

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