Chapter 1: New Opportunites

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I had always loved Royal Blood since the 2015 Brits. One of my best friends, James, had loved them even longer. He and I both play instruments: he plays drums and I play guitar.
One day, whilst we were messing at rocking out at his house, I said "What if we started a band? It would be brilliant as we could get to meet lots of different people whilst doing what we love doing: making music!"
"Hmm, I'll think about it but I'll text you tomorrow." James replied.

*The next morning*

Little Monster wakes me up and I roll over to turn my alarm off. I checked my iMessage to see if James had texted me. He had. It said: 'I don't think I could start a band, we would only have two members and I think I would become stressed out by the concept of becoming really famous'
Disappointed and slightly angry I replied in capitals: 'DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHO OUR IDOLS ARE? HELLO, ROYAL BLOOD ARE A TWO-PIECE!'
I sent the message, I could see that he had read it but he never replied. I felt really bad and I hated myself for what I had just done.
'Well this is a bad start to the day' I thought. It was the weekend, a Sunday, so luckily I could just do whatever I liked. I started jamming on my electric guitar and then I thought 'What if I played guitar whilst drumming' I thought that I could just use two foot pedals and have a cymbal on one of them and a bass drum on the other.
I still had plenty of Sunday left so I walked down to my nearest music shop with some loose change.
I asked the woman at the counter if I could just have parts of the rock drum kit which had caught my eye and she said "Of course I'll help you, which parts do you need?"
"I need the bass drum and foot pedal and the main cymbal and foot pedal." I replied.
The woman told me that it would cost £20 and luckily I could just make that with the one £10 note I had and the many £1 and £2 coins I had stuffed down my pocket. I paid, said thank you, then headed off back home.

*Back at home*

It was around 4pm now and the heat of the day was starting to die down. I assembled the parts which I had bought and I was pretty pleased with myself.
To test my parts of a drum kit I started playing Figure it Out on my guitar and I experimented what I could do. It took a while and a lot of intense practice but I started to get the hang of using my hands and feet to do different things at the same time and also sing.
'Surely I must be pretty talented to do this' I thought to myself. 'I'll practice again tomorrow so that I can get better but for now I'll sleep as I am extremely tired'

*The next day*

I had finished the school day, I let out a sigh of relief. 'I can get finally practice again' I thought excitedly. I arrived at home and packed my coat, shoes and bag away then I got out my electric guitar and mini drum kit.
'Do you know what? I should be noticed for this.' I thought 'Surely not many people can do this'
I went next door to my brother's room and asked if I could use his MacBook to record something.
"Yeah sure" he grunted, a typical teenager he was.
I was really excited but also quite nervous at the same time so I just decided to get on with it.
I hit the record button and started my performance of Figure it Out. Several hair flips could be seen throughout.
I finished my performance and then stopped the recording. I had actually recorded a song! My heart was racing.
I didn't even know what happened in the next few minutes, I just seemed to do it. I went online and sent my recording to BBC Radio 1.

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