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Au: a month after volume 2. Everything was the same except at the end, instead of the upside down spreading in Hawkins, the gates disappeared. It's still a mystery of how and why. Max is still in a coma. The Byers moved back from California and now live in a much nicer house in Hawkins.

Please don't be offended by any comments made by characters, I just want to make it as realistic as possible since it's taking place in 1986.  In no way do I believe being autistic is a bad thing or insulting.

The party had just finished up visiting Max in the hospital. They were supposed to catch a movie after. However Lucas was hesitant on leaving Max's side.

"Come on dude! You've been all cooped up in the hospital room. You think max would like you spending all your time here?" Dustin questioned. Lucas thought for a moment before replying, "actually I think she'd be offended if I didn't." "I mean he's not wrong." Will cut in. Dustin elbowed him as a signal to shut up, will making a small 'ow' noise and rubbing his arm in response.

"Okay whatever!" Mike yelled, interrupting the three other boys who were trying to prove their own, some not that reasonable, points. "Lucas, I hate to break it to you, but you sitting here all day isn't going to make her wake up. The doctors are taking good care of her, she'll be alright." Mike insisted. Per usual, Lucas wasn't satisfied with the doctors skills.

"That's crap! You guys don't know what it's like to have your girlfriend in a coma!" Lucas argued. "Wait didn't she break up with you? Like a long time ago?" Will asked. "Okay El might have not been in a coma before but remember how only a month ago she was captured by that asshole Brenner? When Hopper hid us from her I thought she was dead? Now we practically have to hide her entire identity if we want her to live, so yeah maybe she wasn't in a coma but I sure do know what it's like for the person you love to be at risk of her own life 24/7!" Mike ranted.

El stepped up from her place behind them. "I've been in a coma." Everyone whipped their heads around, some looking at her with worried expressions, others shocked, all confused. "What do you mean, El?" Mike asked. "I-I've been in a coma before." She whispered. "Why didn't you tell us?" Will asked softly, stepping towards her. "Wait when, why, this is absurd!" Dustin exclaimed. "Guys your pressuring her!" Mike said. "She's not a baby anymore Mike! She's been out that damn lab for years, she can handle this." Lucas interrupted. "Excuse you?" Mike spat.

The group, besides El, were all arguing. Mike defending El, Lucas himself, Dustin in the middle of it and Will trying his best to not get involved but chiming in whenever things got out of hand.

"I'm just saying Mike, you treat her like she's disabled or something. How is she supposed to survive on her own if you baby her all the goddamn time?!"

"I'm just trying to protect her Lucas. Okay?"

"Look, I'm sorry if I was aggressive and all. I-it's just been hard..with everything."

"I get it. I'm sorry too."

The two boys hugged, then Dustin joining in.

"We should all stop fighting and just be normal for once." Dustin sighed. Mike and Lucas laughed. "We're nerds, always." Mike reminded him. "Yeah dusty bun." Lucas teased. Dustin flipped him off.

"Uh guys?" Will asked. "Yeah?" Mike said, him and Dustin turning back around so they were all facing will. "Where's El?"

"Oh shit!" Mike cursed, running out the room.

The four boys ran out the room, asking anyone if they'd seen her.

"Have you seen a girl, like around this tall with really short, curly hair?" Dustin asked a random stranger. When they shook their head without even thinking for a second and keeping their eyes on a newspaper, Dustin seemed to get annoyed. "Son of a bitch, your really no help at all. You know that?" He cursed, the grown man rolling his eyes in response.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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