Chapter 10

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"We're sorry. I wish I were there to help." JungHwan said, pouting his lips as he pushed his square specs up to his nose bridge.

"Yeah, he's such an asshole! I can't believe I suggested you to try with him!"

Junkyu glanced back and forth between the sad alpha and the fuming small omega standing across the nurse counter. He pulled out two files among a stack of them and placed them on top of the counter as he spoke, "It's okay. It already happened. I'm just glad he's no longer working in this hospital."

"But don't you think it's kind of weird he immediately resigned a day after? Is this mine?" The intern asked, pointing at one of the files. Junkyu nodded a yes as he placed the unneeded files back into their folder.

"Well, I would too if I were him." The omega scoffed. "I hope no hospital going to hire him! He stained medics reputation!"

Junkyu just shook his head in amusement at his friend. Mashiho could be feisty sometimes.

"Excuse me." A male voice took their attention. Their heads turned to look at the source and were greeted with a humongous rose bouquet. "Where can I find Mr... Kim Junkyu?" The guy asked.

"It's me." Junkyu replied, voice void of excitement.

"Oh, great. You have a delivery, Sir." The scentless guy placed the bouquet down on the counter before he fished out a receipt and a pen from his vest pocket. "Please sign here, Sir."

Junkyu signed the paper and handed them back to the delivery guy, saying thank you with a smile. Mashiho snorted right after the guy left. He noticed the same black card he'd seen on Junkyu's locker in between the roses inside the bouquet.

"How dare he shamelessly send you flowers after what he did to you." He huffed.

Junkyu smiled in response. He knew it wasn't from Dr. Jang. They were wrong when all these time they thought the roses and sweet messages were from Dr. Jang. Junkyu accidentally found out when he was at JeongWoo's place. He saw the same stack of cards inside the alpha's drawer, along with a pen with the same white ink. There were failed notes too with scratches over the words. It was as though JeongWoo changed his mind about what message he wanted to give to Junkyu.

The omega reached for the card and opened it.

I just can't get you out of my head, and I don't want to either. I hope you consider my offer. Waking up without you by my side is like waking up in a desert. Empty, lifeless, and depressing.
Dinner tomorrow night? Please say yes.

Hopelessly falling for you.

Junkyu chuckled at how corny it sounded, but it was sweet.

"Okay, I don't think it's from Dr. Jang." Mashiho peered, leaning over the counter. "Who are they from, that they have you smiling like a fool?"

The older omega's smile disappeared after he realized what he was doing. He couldn't deny his feelings anymore. JeongWoo has been the only other guy since Haruto to make him feel anything and it scared him. The more he felt something for him, the more he felt he was forgetting Haruto. It was already proven during his time at JeongWoo's place that he consciously and unconsciously forgot about Haruto. That was something that scared him, he didn't want to forget about the first guy to ever love him, and he didn't want to go through the same pain of losing the person he loved.

"Is this the same alpha who helped you twice?" Asked Junghwan, his eyes on the card he had taken from Junkyu. "JeongWoo? I guess that's his name. It match with the initial."

"Who?" It was Mashiho's turn to snatch the card from the intern and read the message. "Oh. I thought J is Dr. Jang."

Junkyu took his card back and shoved it into his scrub pocket. He dashed out from the ER without saying anything, leaving the young alpha and the omega nurse calling his name. He couldn't stay there with his tears threatened to fall again, he didn't want them to see him crying.

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