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The brow-haired queen walked through the giant golden door to her office, I followed not realizing that we were now left alone. I turned around to be met by a closed door. I raised my eyebrows. It felt like a joke. They gave me the freedom I always wanted for so many years. Without even a protest. I looked over at the Queen who was now sitting on a very comfortable-looking sofa. With her legs crossed, and with a glass of white wine in her hand. 

" Please, sit. " She said, but I knew she demanded it. 

I rounded the second sofa and sat down, crossing my legs and letting my head stay high. I was going to wait until the Queen decided to speak. Because she will do it, sooner than later. 

" You surely wonder why you have been let free? " Well, I in fact did. And it would be nice to know why my life sentence had been shortened. But there was something else I wanted more than hearing the truth. I wanted to drink. I wanted the whiskey I was promised. 

" What about my drink? " I smiled at the Queen who immediately stood up and handed me a glass of golden liquid. That had probably been prepared before I even arrived. I took the drink and without even thinking I let my mouth taste the alcohol that I haven't had in so many years. It tasted like heaven. If I may call it like that. 

" Are you not afraid I won't poison you? " I took the glass from my mouth. Queen Luna was right, this would be a very easy way to put me down if she liked to. But on the other hand, it would have been a very stupid move. Everyone knew I was a prison of hers. And everyone would like to see me get killed. So why would she choose to poison me, not wanting anyone to know? 

I shrugged at her question and kept drinking until I was done. 

" Posison is the weapon of weakness. And I do believe you are not weak, my Queen. " After so many years I did realize that every time I acknowledged her as my Queen she become fond of me. Like if she did believe she was my Queen, and I am a part of her people. But I am not. My people were those who lived at Domino. My Queen and King had died. And I had the right to not be anyone's slave. But there is a difference between being a slave and choosing to be one. Because I chose to be Queen Luna's slave as long as she will let me out of this prison. And she did. Not even knowing she was releasing my plan. My escape plan. 

" I won't lie. " I say after a few seconds of thinking. " I know you decided to let me out because I am supposed to do something. Something you will hopefully tell me just in a few minutes. " Queen Luna nodded. 

" The burned ones have come back. " I froze. I never thought that this might be the case on why I am being let free. I straightened myself to not make her think that this news made me surprised. But they did. And my nightmares were soon playing out in my mind over and over again, but I was not sleeping this time. I could hear the screams of the people while looking straight at Queen Luna. I could see the dead. The fire. And the child. " Alfea seems to be the most vulnerable place in the Kingdom. And I would not let you leave the dungeons if you hadn't been the most powerful fairy that had ever existed. " I nodded. Coming back from my dark memories. " You see... " The Queen shifted on her seat. " I can't send soldiers to the school, that would just make people realize that something is going on. And we do not want that to happen. " I nodded again. Playing with my now empty glass in my hand. "So the only thing I can do is to send you. " 

" And what am I supposed to do? Walk the corridors like a soldier and may the kids look at me like I have just been released from prison? " I asked. " Oh wait! I just got released from prison. " It was a bad joke and I knew it, but I was not going to stop myself from saying it. 

" Those kids are aware of who you are. But you will not be sent there as a soldier. " Than what? " You will be sent there as a teacher. " I wanted to laugh but it did to come out of my mouth. Because I knew the rules. 

I was going to be sent to Alfea as a teacher, but in fact, I was Queen Luna's slave, send there to protect her daughter and then, eventually the rest of the children. And when the burned ones come, I will have to sacrifice myself if that's needed. 

But I knew. I had no other choice. Not if I want to be free. 

" I want to have my own office, and when this is over I want to be free. " Those were my conditions. Queen Luna smiled at me. 

" You are still a prisoner, you are aware of that? " I nodded quickly. 

" I am aware. But I have a choice, I either help you or go back to my cell. And you my Queen. You don't have anyone but me. " The Queen looked at me for a few short seconds before she let out a long breath and nodded. 

" You will get an office, and when all the burned ones are dead, and my daughter is safe you will get your freedom back. " That was her final decision. And I accepted it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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