Rotxo's confession

Start from the beginning

"Cool, we will join you then." Maleah grins, lowering her hand to grab Rotxo's, stringing him along to get their ilus.

Rotxo shoots Ao'nung a worried look, which he shrugs at.

They all reach their ilus, getting ready to depart.

"Are you girls sure about this?" Rotxo asks, at which Maleah and Tsireya nod.

Soon enough, they reach Three Brother's Rocks, watching the beauty of the nature around them.

The girls hop off their ilus to explore the rocks a bit as Ao'nung calls for them. "Hey! We're going to fish around the area, try not to get lost!" He exclaims before leaving on his ilu with Rotxo.

"You see what I'm talking about? Rotxo is definitely avoiding me," Maleah tells Tsireya, who is now sitting on the floor.

"Did anything happen between you two?" Tsireya asks, making Maleah think it through.

She hums in thought, wondering about the last day she actually got to spend time with Rotxo. A metaphorical light bulb lit up in her brain, remembering what could have caused this.

"Yes! We were sitting at the beach after eclipse. I am pretty comfortable with him so I laid my head on his shoulder, tensed up." She pulled her shoulders up, repeating the action. "It was like he was uncomfortable with me getting too close, so I got off and changed the subject to keep his mind off it. Do you think I made him uncomfortable?"

Tsireya laughs, to Maleah's surprise.

"You think that is what this is all about? If anything, I would think he likes you," Tsireya teases, getting Maleah to slightly blush at the thought.

"Well, he is a charming boy. I would not say no to him if he were to confess," Maleah admits, shocking Tsireya.

The Olo'eyktan's daughter gasps in realization, "You like Rotxo!" she announces with glee.

"Tsireya! Not so loud, the boys might hear you!"

"Now it makes sense as to why you are so worried about his behavior. You are afraid to lose him! Awe, that's so sweet." Tsireya pouts as she places a hand to her chest in mock awe.

"Quit embarrassing me, clearly he does not return the feeling," Maleah tells her as she smacks her hand down.

Tsireya rolls her eyes playfully at her. "Okay, whatever you say, Maleah."


Time goes by and the girls start to question why the boys haven't come back yet.

"Fishing does not usually take them this long, right?" Maleah asks as she peers over to the water, seeking any sign of them being around.

"If they left us stranded, I will be killing them."

"Woah, Tsireya, calm down, they could not have done that to us," She says, trying to convince herself more than Tsireya.

A sudden holler frightens them as the Olo'eyktan's son approaches.

"Took you long enough!" Tsireya scolds her brother, who laughs at her temper.

"Where's Rotxo?" Maleah asks Ao'nung, who looks back for a split second.

"Oh, right. He had a family matter to attend to," Ao'nung said, excusing their friend.

Maleah nodded solemnly before calling her ilu forward to get on it with ease. "We must go then."

The siblings nod, following her quickly on their ilus.

Infuriated and hurt, Maleah speeds up, leaving the siblings far behind. She reaches Awa'atlu quickly, letting her ilu rest and running down the shoreline to her favorite beach spot.

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