When the topic of the demon invasion was brought up, King decided to offer his safe residence of the fairies.

"Hey, listen... It's just a suggestion, but if you'd like to join me, you're all invited to the Fairy King's forest."

"Including me?" (Y/n) questioned.

King rapidly fired back a response. "Obviously! I wouldn't have said 'you're all invited' otherwise. Since you helped out twice, I just figured I shouldn't be so openly suspicious of you."

"So you'll be internally suspicious of me then?"

"Don't push it!" King exclaimed.

He composed himself before explaining his suggestion.
"As the Fairy King, it's my duty to make sure it's well-protected. How about it? It should be safer out there than here, at least."

Diane turned to the other giantess. "So what should we do, Matrona?"

"I must admit, it's probably our best option for the moment." The other stated, as she glanced at the children playing with Oslo.

Turning to (Y/n) as well, Diane asked their opinion too. "What do you think?"

"I'll go too. The Fairy King's Forest is pretty peaceful. I can finally relax there. Things have been all over the place recently."


Diane was sitting on a branch of the Sacred Tree, gazing out towards the surrounding far ahead, and King floated beside her.

(Y/n) was right. It really was tranquil in the Fairy King's Forest. A nice break from the turmoil she was used to with the seven deadly sins.

"I wonder what everyone who's stayed in Liones is doing right now." Diane wondered aloud.

King responded with his input. "I heard that since Meliodas almost died, the Demon race has been running rampant across Britannia. Which means there's a good chance that Liones got attacked too."

"It was really fortunate that Meliodas was rescued then. (Y/n)'s really amazing."

"I don't understand neither of them. But I'm glad he's safe, and I'm thankful to (Y/n)." King admitted.

Diane agreed, then raised a question. "Me too. Uh, I've been wondering. How come the Fairy King's Forest is safe from the Demon race's attacks?"

"Because there's a barrier around around it and it's screening everything. It knows who should be allowed to enter and who shouldn't."

Diane then heard (Y/n)'s voice from behind her. "Yeah, and it's really convenient. I love this secluded forest."

"(Y/n)!" The giantess exclaimed.

The mentioned human was standing behind them, holding a plate of apple pie slices in their hand which they ate from. Two similar plates of food were also floating in the air next to them, one bigger than the other.

When they finished with one of the slices, they raised an unoccupied arm in a sluggish wave. "Hey."

(Y/n) brought their hand to take another slice from their plate, as they spoke.

"Sorry to interrupt your date, but do you two want some apple pie? I brought them from outside just now. Nine out of ten. Quite good."

The two plates in the air drifted towards King and Diane accordingly, who were both blushing at (Y/n)'s assumption, hurriedly trying to deny it. Infront of the giantess, was a much larger portion.

Diane's eyes were basically shining with appreciation. "Oh! Really? Thanks so much (Y/n)! You even gave me a portion that's my size."

"Of course. No problem. Food is happiness after all." (Y/n) responded, as they finished with one more slice.

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