CHAPTER 7 | Day 3 Part 1

Start from the beginning

Right. Hyper. He needs to make Hyper willingly team with him. That's his goal for today.

He shoots out of bed and rushes over to his chests, fumbling through their (admittedly messy) contents until he pulls it out.

A pristine, completely unused diamond sword.

He doesn't know if Hyper managed to make one. Probably not, with being distracted and not properly (as far as he's aware) splitting his things with Megan. So he hopes that a diamond sword will be just the thing he needs as bait.

He just needs to find him first.

He throws the spare sword into his inventory, alongside some lapis for later and all his important valuables, before going searching for a certain DylanHyper.


Megan sits up out of her bed after a day of no sleep, even more tired than ever. Her hair's gotten messy and tangled from not taking off her hoodie all night, and she doesn't need a mirror to tell she's already developed eyebags.

My goodness, she's taking the emo aesthetic to another level.

Oh well. She shoves the hair in her face out the way and sits up. The sounds of the zombies burning outside the small fence she made on the tree comforts her, as she breaks down the walls, her bed, and jumps off the tree.

Time to get moving, and find a new base making spot. Maybe near the cave? No, Hyper would go there, that would be awkward. She saw another cave that they haven't explored yet, so maybe she'll go near there. Yeah. That's what she'll do.

Hopefully, if she manages to sort out everything perfectly today, she'll manage to get over all of this tomorrow and she can get back on Hyper's good side. Or was it the other way around? Whatever, she doesn't care. She just needs to keep moving forward, because if she stays in the past - she'll die again, and she'd rather not do that.

She jumps off the tree, bracing herself for the fall damage she takes (it's not much, thank goodness - though she's being a lot more careful now), takes as much as she can from the chest below (she looted everything important yesterday, and left some other things in there), and starts walking in an ambiguous direction, unaware of what she might walk into.


"Rise and shine, Leah, Sanna!" Ashley yells, waking everyone else up with a start.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down, honey." Leah gets out, still groggy. She hides under the covers. "Let me actually..adjust, first."

"Well you better adjust fast, because we're getting diamonds! Look, we are so far behind the others, they already got an enchanting table, whatever that does, and diamonds too, we need to catch up! Otherwise we've got no chance of surviving this game." Ashley reasons, almost pleading with the other two.

"Yeah, yeah, we are. Just...hang on." Sanna gets up, before looking over to Leah and chuckling. "You're not gonna 'adjust' if you hide under there, Leah."

"Ugh...okay, I'm coming." Leah's head pokes out of the covers, and she rolls out of her bed. It takes her a second to move the crown on her head back into place, and she pushes her hair back before speaking. "I don't wanna go in the caves again."

"It won't be that bad this time, will it?"

"I died last time, Ashley, I don't want to die again."

"This time, we're gonna be a lot more careful, trust me, Leah." Ashley walks up to Leah and grabs her hands, holding her tightly. Yes, she's nervous too, but if they want to make any progress, they have to do this. "We have to."

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