Chapter One

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  • Dedicata a Michelle Webster-Vitale

 Not everything that goes "bump in the night" is bad thing right? Could be a little wind, the house settling, the cat doing her midnight ninja routine or maybe there is something else. I had never believed in ghosts, demons or anything like that before now. I mean for real, that's all horror movie and bad TV stuff. I was a pretty grounded guy with the usual lifelong attachments, wife, kids, bills, new house. Yep, I was just a normal kind of guy dealing the usual familial issues and aspirations.

A new house, just what everyone wants? This was an opportunity to settle down, dig in some roots and become part of a community. Well in our case the new house came because of a new job. I was getting a minor promotion and of course that meant a move to the corporate jungle and the rat race of Washington DC to occupy an unknown cubicle in a farm of cubicles, acting more like a drone than a productive member of the organization. I don't want to sound like a pessimistic complainer; I was actually fairly content with my existence up that point. But an opportunity came up I had to take it, so and we moved from our row house in Boston to suburbs of Virginia. This would also give the opportunity to leave what was beginning to become a not so nice neighborhood. We wanted to get into something a little less urban and lot more rural.

Kathy and I wanted to make the most of this opportunity. The "promotion" was just the impetus for change we needed. This would also allow and try to find a house that was in a more rural setting and well within our budget. I didn't mind a commute to get us away from the hustle a bustle of the big city and collateral problems that come with it. Little did we know that what we thought were major problems inconveniences were actually not so major.....

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