♠️ Two of Spades

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[G A M E  R U L E]

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[G A M E  R U L E]

"All Players must hang onto the bottom of the elevator as it rises to the top of the building without falling.

The game is cleared for the players if they manage to hold onto the elevator for the entire game.

But if the players fall off the elevator, the game is over for them.

Time limit: None"

Akari held the given phone with trembling hands, a wave of fear rushing through her body; skin breaking into goosebumps. She hesitantly shot a fixed gaze at the girl beside her, brown eyes shivering in the dark.

The other girl, on the other hand, cursed under her teeth after hearing the rules of the game. "Really? Two of Spades, are you kidding me? It's not even worth it." She groaned and threw her fist at the sky.

"I knew I shouldn't have trusted Aguni and Niragi." She looked back at the inexperienced girl and raised an eyebrow.

"If we live through this, I shall take you to the beach with me." She glances back at the other gamers entering the game venue already.

Before entering the venue herself, she stopped and spit out some word.

"Reina. My name."

"Remaining time to enter the game: 00:45"

"Do you expect me to say mine too?" Akari asked, obviously confused. She didn't even know what was happening and Reina or how the hell she was named didn't even bother to explain anything to her.

She was mad, confused, and scared. A variety of emotions she couldn't name with accuracy.

"If one of us dies here, at least someone will live to remember the memory of the other."

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