Sebryan in this chapter

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Sebs pov

I was sitting in my room till Ryan came in I looked at him but he just sat down on the bed"ry are you ok?"I ask and he nods"bu-"he cuts me off wth he never does that"seb I'm fine ok no need to worry alright"he says kinda annoyed I get up and go down I see justin getting chased by Darren screaming"come backkk baby boyyy"I laugh at them I see Oliver talking to regie"hey oli can I talk to you pls.."I say kinda sad he looks at me worried then he grabs my arm lightly and we go in his room"what's wrong seb?"he ask I look at him then he gives me that look"oli you know how I like Ryan right?"oli looks at me"yes seb how about you ask him to hang out ok and I know how he's annoyed"oli bring me to my room smiling and knocks on it Ryan opens it and looks confused"Ryan can you hang out with sebby cuz he's bored and all the members are hanging out with others"Ryan looks at me and I put my head down knowing he won-"seb,Seb,SEB"I snap out of my thoughts when Ryan calls my name"huh?"I say he looks at me then pulls me in the room closing the door on oli and goes back to playing valorant

Ryan's pov

I play valorant for a while since sebs in the room I see seb looking bored and annoyed I finish the game and go walk over to him he looks at me and looks turns his head I chuckle"seb why do you always turn your head after you look at me?"i ask he doesn't Answer so I grab his phone to see what he's watching then I see a ship edit of me and him"Ryan!! Give me back my phone!!"he says then he grabs his phone back blushing I smile at him then he looks confused and sees the vid and turns red I chuckle"your blushing???!!!"i tease he covers his face I get on his lap and try to take his hands off why laughing"let me seeee"I say finally he uncovers his face and realizes I'm on his lap he blushes again then I get off of him chuckling and I go down stairs I was smiling"hey is seb ok I heard him screaming no in the room"oli ask"yes sebs ok oli"I say.

Regies pov
I saw oli talk to Ryan while I made dinner and Darren helped after we were done seb came running down stairs"seb stop running your gonna get hurt!!!"oli yelled but seb didn't listen and he screamed because he was about to fall but Ryan caught him awwww I just love the ship I chuckle"seb be careful I don't want you getting hurt!!"ryan said seb nodded and sat down at the table next to Ryan then all of of a sudden Justin jumps like he got scared or something and everyone looks confused"Darren!!"justin says and everyone laughs after everyone finished we went to bed.
(Authors note:here's how they were sitting

(Authors note:btw Ryan is comfortable with seb)

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(Authors note:btw Ryan is comfortable with seb)

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